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First Timothy 4:14 “Neglect Not the Gift That Is In Thee”


Luke  11:2 “Our Father Which Art In Heaven”


First Timothy 4:1 “The Spirit Speaketh Expressly”


Luke  10:20 “Rejoice Because Your Names Are Written In Heaven”


First Timothy 3:4 “One That Ruleth Well His Own House”


Luke  10:2 “The Harvest Truly Is Great But the Laborers Are Few”


First Timothy 2:1 “Prayers Intercessions Giving of Thanks Be Made For All Men”


Luke  9:48 “This Is My Beloved Son Hear Him”


First Timothy 1:15 “Christ Jesus Came Into the World to Save Sinners”


Luke  9:35 “This Is My Beloved Son Hear Him”


First Timothy 1:1 “An Apostle of Jesus Christ By the Commandment of God”


Luke  9:2 “He Sent Them to Preach the Kingdom of God”


Second Peter 3:8 “One Day Is With the Lord As A Thousand Years”


Luke  8:50 “Believe Only”


Second Peter 3:3 “There Shall Come in the Last Days Scoffers”


Luke  8:25 “What Manner of Man Is This”


Statements from the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution”


Second Peter 2:4 “But Cast Them Down to Hell”


Luke  8:11 “The Seed Is the Word of God”


Second Peter 1:21 “Holy Men of God Spake As They Were Moved By the Holy Ghost”


Luke  7:39 “She Is A Sinner”


Second Peter 1:4 “Exceeding Great and Precious Promises”


Luke  7:9 “I Have Not Found So Great Faith No Not In Israel”


First Peter 5:7 “Casting All Your Care Upon Him For He Careth For You”


Luke  6:37 “Judge Not”


First Peter 4:17 “What Shall the End Be of Them That Obey Not the Gospel”


Luke  6:20 “Blessed Be Ye Poor For Yours Is the kingdom of God”


First Peter 4:12 “Think It Not Strange Concerning the Fiery Trial Which Is To Try You”


Luke  5:20 “Thy Sins Are Forgiven Thee”


First Peter 3:10 “He That Will Love Life and See Good Days Let Him Refrain His Tongue From Evil”


Luke  4:32 “And They Were Astonished At His Doctrine For His Word Was With Power”


First Peter 2:17 “Honor All Men Love the Brotherhood Fear God Honor the King”


Judges 4:4 “Deborah A Prophetess A Judge and A Mother in Israel”


First Peter 2:9 “Who Hath Called You Out of Darkness Into His Marvellous Light”


Luke  4:16 “As His Custom Was He Went Into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day”


First Peter 2:2 “As Newborn Babes Desire the Sincere Milk of the Word”


Luke  3:19 “Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone But By Every Word of God”


First Peter 1:17 “Pass the Time of Your Sojourning Here in Fear”


Luke  3:7 “Who Hath Warned You to Flee From the Wrath to Come”


First Peter 1:10 “Of Which Salvation the Prophets Have Inquired and Searched Diligently”


Luke  2:49 “I Must Be About My Fathers Business”


First Peter 1:5 “Kept By the Power of God Through Faith”


Luke  24:5 “Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead”


First Peter 1:2 “Elect According to the Foreknowledge of God”


Luke 2:19 “But Mary Kept All These Things and Pondered Them in Her Heart”


Colossians 4:2 “Continue in Prayer”


Luke 1:72 “To Perform the Mercy Promised to Our Fathers”


Colossians 3:17 “Do All In the Name of the Lord Jesus”


Luke 1:56 “And Mary Abode With Her Three Months”


Colossians 3:14 “Above All These Things Put On Love”


Luke 1:37 “For With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible”


Colossians 3:11 “Christ Is All and In All”


Luke 1:13 “Fear Not Zacharias For Thy Prayer Is Heard”


Colossians 3:3 “Your Life Is Hid With Christ In God”


Revelation 22:17 “Whosoever Will Let Him Take the Water of Life Freely”


Colossians 2:13 “Having Forgiven You All Trespasses”


Revelation 22:3 “And There Shall Be No More Curse”


Colossians 2:3 “All The Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge”


Revelation 21:21 “And the Street of the City Was Pure Gold”


Colossians 1:27 “The Riches of the Glory of This Mystery”


Revelation 21:8 “The Lake Which Burneth With Fire and Brimstone”


Colossians 1:23 “If Ye Continue In the Faith”


Revelation 21:4 “And There Shall Be No More Death”


Colossians 1:16 “All Things Were Created By Him and For Him”


Revelation 20:11 “And I Saw a Great White Throne”


Colossians 1:10 “Increasing In The Knowledge of God”


Revelation 20:2 “And Satan and Bound Him a Thousand Years”


Colossians 1:1 “An Apostle of Jesus Christ By the Will of God”


Luke 1:27 “The Virgins Name Was Mary”


Titus 3:7 “Justified By His Grace”


Revelation 19:11 “I Saw Heaven Opened and Behold a White Horse”


Titus 3:2 “Speal Evil of No Man”


Revelation 19:7 “The Marriage of the Lamb Is Come”


Titus 2:10 “Adorn the Doctrine of God Our Savior”


Revelation 18:10 “Alas Alas That Great City Babylon That Mighty City”


Titus 1:15 “Unto the Pure All Things Are Pure”


Revelation 17:14 “These Shall Make War With the Lamb”


Titus 1:14 “Commandments of Men That Turn From the Truth”


Revelation 17:5 “MYSTERY BABYLON the GREAT”


Titus 1:6 “The Husband of One Wife”


Revelation 15:7 “Seven Golden Vials Full of the Wrath of God”


Titus 1:2 “In Hope of Eternal Life”


Revelation 14:19 “The Great Winepress of the Wrath of God”


Philemon 1:9 “For Loves Sake”


Revelation 14:10 “Tormented With Fire and Brimstone”


Philemon 1:5 “Hearing of Thy Love and Faith”


Revelation 13:18 “His Number Is 666”


Jude 1:13 “To Whom Is Reserved the Blackness of Darkness Forever”


Revelation 13:1 “And Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea Having Seven Heads and Ten Horns”


Jude 1:7 “Suffering the Vengeance of Eternal Fire”


Revelation 12:9 “That Old Serpent Called the Devil and Satan Which Deceiveth the Whole World”


Jude 1:4 “Certain Men Crept In Unawares”


Revelation 11:3 “And I Will Give Power Unto My Two Witnesses”


Third John 1:14 “We Shall Speak Face to Face”


Revelation 10:10 “And I Took the Little Book Out of the Angels Hand”


Second John 1:6 “This Is Love That We Walk After His Commandments”


Revelation 9:20 “The Rest of the Men Who Were Killed By These Plagues Yet Repented Not”


Revelation 7:17 “God Shall Wipe Away All Tears From Their Eyes”


Second Corinthians 13:5 “Examine Yourselves Whether Ye Be In the Faith”


Revelation 6:17 “The Great Day of His Wrath Is Come”


Second Corinthians 12:10 “When I Am Weak Then Am I Strong”


Revelation 6:1 “I Saw When the Lamb Opened One of the Seals”


Second Corinthians 11:23 “In Stripes Above Measure In Prisons More Frequent In Deaths Oft”


Revelation 4:8 “They Rest Not Day and Night Saying Holy Holy Holy”


Second Corinthians 11:4 “If He That Cometh Preacheth Another Jesus”


Revelation 3:19 “As Many As I Love I Rebuke and Chasten”


Second Corinthians 10:16 “To Preach the Gospel in the Regions Beyond You”


Revelation 3:10 “The Hour of Temptation Which Shall Come Upon All the World”


Second Corinthians 10:5 “Bringing Into Captivity Every Thought to the Obedience of Christ”


Revelation 3:4 “They Shall Walk With Me In White For They Are Worthy”


Second Corinthians 9:7 “Every Man According As He Purposes in His Heart So Let Him Give”


Revelation 2:28 “I Will Give him the Morning Star”


Second Corinthians 8:9 “That Ye Through His Poverty Might Be Rich”


Revelation 2:25 “That Which Ye Have Already Hold Fast Till I Come”


Second Corinthians 7:10 “Godly Sorrow Worketh Repentance to Salvation”


Revelation 2:15 “The Doctrine of the Nicolaetains Which Thing I Hate”


Second Corinthians 6:14 “Be Ye Not Unequally Yoked Together With Unbelievers”


Revelation 2:10 “Be Thou Faithful Unto Death”


Second Corinthians 5:17 “If Any Man Be In Christ He Is a New Creature”


Revelation 2:4 “Thou Hast Left Thy First Love”


Second Corinthians 5:7 “Absent From the Body Present With the Lord”


Revelation 1:11 “I Am Alpha and Omega the First and the Last”


Second Corinthians 4:4 “The god of This World Hath Blinded the Minds of Them That Believe Not”


Revelation 1:1 “Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass”


Second Corinthians 3:17 “Where the Spirit of the Lord Is There Is Liberty”


Second Thessalonians 3:10 “If Any Would Not Work Neither Should He Eat”


Second Corinthians 2:17 “We Are Not As Many Which Corrupt the Word of God”


Second Thessalonians 2:12 “That They All Might Be Damned”


Second Corinthians 1:3 “The Father of Mercies and the God of All Comfort”


Second Thessalonians 2:8 “Then Shall That Wicked Be Revealed”


Acts 28:27 “Their Ears Are Dull of Hearing”


Second Thessalonians  1:8 “In Flaming Fire Taking Vengeance”


Acts 28:24 “And Some Believed the Things Which Were Spoken and Some Believed Not”


Ruth 1:1 “Thy People Shall Be My People and thy God My God”


Acts 27:25 “Be of Good Cheer For I Believe God”


First Thessalonians  5:5 “Ye Are All Children of the Light”


Acts 26:28 “Almost Thou Persuadest Me To Be A Christian”


First Thessalonians  4:17 “Caught Up Together With Them in the Clouds”


Acts 26:19 “I Was Not Disobedient Unto the Heavenly Vision”


First Thessalonians  3:12 “Increase and Abound in Love”


Acts 26:9 “Contrary to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth”


Matthew  28:6 “He Is Risen As He Said”


Acts 25:11 “I Appeal Unto Caesar”


First Thessalonians  3:4 “We Told You Before That We Should Suffer Tribulation”


Acts 24:24 “Heard Him Concerning the Faith in Christ”


First Thessalonians  2:13 “Ye Received It Not As the Word of Men But As It Is In Truth the Word of God”


Acts 23:11 “The Lord Stood By Him and Said Be of Good Cheer Paul”


First Thessalonians  1:3 “Your Work of Faith and Labour of Love and Patience of Hope”


Acts 22:21 “I Will Send Thee Far Hence Unto the Gentiles”


Philippians 4:8 “Whatsoever Things Are True, Whatsoever Things Are Honest, Whatsoever Things Are Just”


Acts 22:16 “Wash Away Thy Sins Calling On the Name of the Lord”


Philippians 3:21 “Who Shall Change Our Vile Body”


Acts 22:8 “I Am Jesus of Nazareth Whom Thou Persecutest”


Philippians 3:13 “Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind”


Acts 21:20 “Many Thousands of Jews There Are Which Believe”


Philippians 3:7 “What Things Were Gain To Me Those I Counted Loss For Christ”


Acts 21:4 “That He Should Not Go Up To Jerusalem”


Philippians 2:14 “Do All Things Without Murmurings and Disputings”


Acts 20:26 “I Am Pure From the Blood of All Men”


Philippians 2:1 “Let This Mind Be In You Which Was Also In Christ Jesus”


Acts 20:24 “That I Might Finish My Course With Joy”


Philippians 1:21 “To Live Is Christ And To Die Is Gain”


Acts 19:34 “About The Space of Two Hours Cried Out Great Is Diana of the Ephesians”


Philippians 1:1 “Servants of Jesus Christ to All the Saints”


Acts 19:11 “Mightily Grew the Word of God and Prevailed”


Ephesians 6:17 “The Sword of the Spirit Which Is the Word of God”


Acts 19:1 “The Baptism of Repentance”


Ephesians 6:5 “Servants Be Obedient”


Acts 18:21 “I Will Return Again Unto You If God Will”


Ephesians 6:4 “Provoke Not Your Children To Wrath”


Acts 18:9 “Be Not Afraid But Speak”


Ephesians 5:22 “Wives Submit Yourselves Unto Your Own Husbands”


Luke 1:31 “And Behold Thou Shalt Conceive in Thy Womb and Bring Forth a Son”


Acts 17:28 “In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being”


Ephesians 5:18 “Be Not Drunk With Wine Wherein Is Excess But Be Filled With the Spirit”


Acts 17:23 “To the Unknown God”


Ephesians 4:30 “Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God”


Acts 17:6 “These That Have Turned the World Upside Down”


Ephesians 4:15 “Speaking the Truth in Love”


Acts 17:3 “This Jesus Whom I Preach Unto You Is Christ”


Ephesians 4:11 “He Gave Some Apostles Some Prophets Some Evangelists Some Pastors and Teachers”


Acts 16:30 “What Must I Do To Be Saved”


Ephesians 4:8 “He Led Captivity Captive”


Acts 16:8 “Come Over into Macedonia and Help Us”


Ephesians 3:8 “The Unsearchable Riches of Christ”


Acts 15:28 “For It Seemed Good to the Holy Ghost and to Us”


Ephesians 3:3 “By Revelation He Made Known Unto Me the Mystery”


Acts 15:24 “Have Troubled You With Words”


Ephesians 2:10 “For We Are His Workmanship”


Acts 15:14 “Known Unto God Are All His Works”


Ephesians 2:4 “For His Great Love Wherewith He Loved Us”


Acts 14:22 “Exhorting Them to Continue in the Faith”


Ephesians 1:21 “Far Above All Principality and Power and Might and Dominion and Every Name”


Acts 14:15 “Turn From These Vanities Unto the Living God”


Ephesians 1:10 “In the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times”


Acts 13:51 “They Shook Off the Dust of Their Feet Against Them”


Ephesians 1:3 “All Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in Christ”


Acts 13:38 “Through This Man Is Preached Unto You the Forgiveness of Sins”


Galatians 6:14 “God Forbid That I Should Glory Save in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ”


Acts 13:30 “But God Raised Him From the Dead”


Galatians 5:25 “If We Live In the Spirit Let Us Also Walk In the Spirit”


Acts 13:14 “Went Into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day”


Galatians 5:16 “Walk in the Spirit and Ye Shall Not Fulfil the Lust of the Flesh”


Acts 13:5 “They Preached the Word of God in the Synagogues of the Jews”


Galatians 5:1 “Stand Fast Therefore in the Liberty Wherewith Christ Hath Made Us Free”


Acts 12:2 “He Killed James the Brother of John With the Sword”


Galatians 4:6 “God Hath Sent Forth the Spirit of His Son Into Your Hearts”


Acts 11:26 “The Disciples Were Called Christians First In Antioch”


Galatians 3:24 “Wherefore the Law Was Our Schoolmaster to Bring Us Unto Christ”


Galatians 3:14 “That the Blessing of Abraham Might Come on the Gentiles Through Jesus Christ”


Acts 10:38 “Healing All That Were Oppressed of the Devil”


Galatians 3:1 “O Foolish Galatians Who Hath Bewitched You”


Acts 10:26 “I Myself Also Am a Man”


Galatians 2:20 “I Am Crucified With Christ”


Acts 10:15 “What God Hath Cleansed That Call Not Thou Common”


Galatians 1:12 “By the Revelation of Jesus Christ”


Acts 9:34 “Jesus Christ Maketh Thee Whole”


Galatians 1:1 “I Marvel That You Are So Soon Removed From Him”


Acts 9:25 “Let Him Down By the Wall in a Basket”


Matthew 27:54 “Truly This Was the Son of God”


Acts 9:20 “He Preached Christ in the Synagogues”




Acts 9:5 “I Am Jesus Whom Thou Persecutest”


Matthew 26:75 “He Went Out and Wept Bitterly”


Acts 8:22 “Repent Therefore of This Thy Wickedness”


Matthew 26:52 “All They That Take the Sword Shall Perish With the Sword”


Acts 8:3 “As For Saul He Made Havoc of the Church”


Matthew 26:39 “Nevertheless Not As I Will But As Thou Wilt”


Acts 7:60 “Lord Lay Not This Sin to Their Charge”


Matthew 26:28 “This Is My Blood of the New Testament”


Acts 7:42 “God Turned and Gave Them Up”


Matthew 26:2 “After Two Days Is the Feast of the Passover”


Acts 7:33 “Put Off Thy Shoes From Thy Feet”


Matthew 25:23 “Thou Hast Been Faithful Over a Few Things I Will Make Thee Ruler Over Many Things”


Acts 7:9 “Sold Joseph into Egypt But God Was With Him”


Ephesians 5:22 “Husbands Submit Yourselves Unto Your Own Wives”


Acts 6:5 “Stephen a Man Full of Faith and of the Holy Ghost”


Matthew 25:2 “Five of Them Were Wise and Five Were Foolish”


Acts 6:1 “Seven Men of Honest Report”


Acts 5:39 “If It Be of God Ye Cannot Overthrow It”


Matthew 28:5 “I Know That Ye Seek Jesus”


Acts 5:29 “We Ought to Obey God Rather Than Men”


Matthew 24:38 “Before The Flood They Were Eating and Drinking”


Acts 5:12 “They Were All With One Accord”


Matthew 24:30 “They Shall See the Son of Man Coming in the Clouds”


Acts 4:32 “The Multitude of Them That Believed Were of One Heart”


Matthew 24:15 “The Abomination of Desolation Spoken of By Daniel the Prophet”


Acts 4:18 “Commanded Them Not To Speak At All Nor Teach In the Name of Jesus”


Matthew 24:7 “Earthquakes in Divers Places?”


Acts 4:12 “Neither Is There Salvation in Any Other”


Matthew 23:33 “How Can Ye Escape the Damnation of Hell?”


Acts 3:19 “Repent and Be Converted that Your Sins May Be Blotted Out”


Matthew 23:15 “Ye Make Him Twofold More the Child of Hell Than Yourselves”


Acts 3:6 “Silver and Gold Have I None”


Matthew 23:9 “Call No Man Your Father Upon the Earth”


Matthew 22:21 “Render Therefore unto Caesar the Things that Are Caesars”


Acts 2:42 “They Continued Steadfastly in the Apostles Doctrine”


Acts 2:38 “Repent and Be Baptized”


Matthew 22:14 “Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen”


Acts 2:24 “The Pains of Death”


Matthew 21:32 “The Harlots Believed Him”


Acts 2:20 “The Sun Shall Be Turned into Darkness and the Moon into Blood”


Matthew 21:22 “Whatsoever Yer Shall Ask in Prayer Believing Ye Shall Receive”


Acts 2:4 “They Began to Speak With Other Tongues”


Matthew 20:30 “Have Mercy On Us O Lord Thou Son of David”


Acts 1:16 “This Scripture Must Needs Have Been Fulfilled”


Matthew 20:18 “They Shall Condemn Him to Death”


Acts 1:8 “Ye Shall Receive Power”


Matthew 19:30 “The First Shall Be Last”


Acts 1:1 “John Truly Baptized With Water”


Matthew 19:13 “Permit the Little Children to Come Unto Me”


Hebrews 13:15 “Praise to God Continually”


Luke 1:19 “I Am Gabriel That Stands in the Presence of God”


Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage Is Honorable in All”


Matthew 19:3 “Divorce”


Hebrews 12:23 “God the Judge of All”


Matthew 18:16 “In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses Every Word May Be Established”


Hebrews 12:13 “Make Straight Paths for Your Feet”


Matthew 17:24 “What Did Jesus Teach About Taxes”


Hebrews 12:6 “Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth”


Matthew 17:20 “If Ye Have Faith As a Grain of Mustard Seed”


Hebrews 11:37 “They Were Stoned and They Were Sawn Asunder”


Matthew 17:2 “Jesus Was Transfigured Before Them”


Hebrews 11:32 “Jephthae and David and Samuel”


Matthew 16:19 “The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven”


Hebrews 11:30 “By Faith the Walls of Jericho Fell Down”


Matthew 16:6 “Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees”


Hebrews 11:21 “Through Faith He Kept the Passover”


Matthew 15:22 “Have Mercy On Me O Lord Thou Son of David”


Hebrews 11:13 “They Were Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth”


Matthew 15:3 “Ye Also Transgress the Commandment of God By Your Tradition”


Hebrews 11:7 “The Righteousness Which Is By Faith”


Matthew 14:25 “Jesus Went Unto Them Walking On the Sea”


Matthew 14:6 “Give Me Here John Baptists Head in a Charger”


Hebrews 11:6 “Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please Him”


Matthew 13:42 “There Shall Be Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth”


Hebrews 10:31 “It Is a Fearful Thing to Fall into the Hands of the Living God”


Matthew 13:10 “Why Speakest Thou Unto Them In Parables”


Hebrews 10:25 “Not Forsaking the Asembling of Ourselves Together”


Matthew 12:42 “A Greater Than Solomon Is Here”


Hebrews 10:9 “I Come To Do Thy Will O God”


Matthew 12:30 “He That Gathereth Not With Me Scattereth Abroad”


Matthew 12:20 “A Bruised Reed Shall He Not Break”


Hebrews 9:22 “Without Shedding of Blood Is No Remission”


Matthew 12:8 “The Son of Man Is Lord Even of the Sabbath Day”


Hebrews 8:12 “I Will Be Merciful to Their Unrighteousness”


Matthew 11:28 “Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor and Are Heavy Laden”


Hebrews 8:6 “The Mediator of a Better Covenant”


Matthew 11:13 “All the Prophets and the Law Prophesied Until John”


Hebrews 7:19 “For The Law Made Nothing Perfect”


Matthew 11:11 “There Hath not Risen a Greater Than John the Baptist”


Hebrews 6:20 “Jesus Made an High Priest Forever”


Matthew 10:34 “I Came Not to Send Peace But a Sword”


Hebrews 6:11 “Full Assurance”


Matthew 10:17 “Beware of Men”


Hebrews 6:6 “If They Shall Fall Away”


Matthew 9:35 “Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom”


Hebrews 5:11 “Ye Are Dull of Hearing”


Matthew 9:17 “Neither Do Men Put New Wine into Old Bottles”


Hebrews 5:9 “He Became the Author of Eternal Salvation”


Matthew 9:2 “Be of Good Cheer. Thy Sins Be Forgiven Thee.”


Hebrews 4:12 “The Word of God Is Alive and Powerful”


Matthew 8:22 “Let the Dead Bury Their Dead”


Hebrews 3:19 “They Could Not Enter In Because of Unbelief”


Matthew 8:2 “Lord If Thou Wilt Thou Canst Make Me Clean”


Hebrews 3:8 “Harden Not Your Hearts”


Matthew 7:15 “Beware of False Prophets”


Hebrews 3:1 “Partakers of the Heavenly Calling”


Matthew 7:7 “Ask and It Shall Be Given You”


Matthew 6:33 “Seek  Ye First the Kingdom of God”


Hebrews 2:14 “He Might Destroy Him that Had the Power of Death”


Matthew 6:21 “Where Your Treasure Is There Will Your Heart Be Also”


Hebrews 2:9 “But We See Jesus”


Hebrews 1:9 “God Hath Anointed Thee With the Oil of Gladness”


Matthew 6:9 “Our Father Who Art in Heaven”


Hebrews 1:1 “In These Last Days”


Mark 16:15 “Preach the Gospel to Every Creature”


Matthew 5:44 “Love Your Enemies”


Mark 15:39 “Truly This Man Was the Son of God”


Matthew 5:31 “Let Him Give Her a Writing of Divorcement”


Mark 15:34 “My God My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me”


Matthew 5:22 “Shall Be in Danger of Hell Fire”


Mark 15:2 “Art Thou the King of the Jews”


Mark 16:6 “He Is Risen”


Mark 14:64 “They All Condemned Him to Be Guilty of Death”


Matthew 5:13 “Ye Are the Salt of the Earth”


Mark 14:38 “The Spirit Truly Is Ready but the Flesh Is Weak”


Matthew 5:3 “Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit”


Mark 14:30 “Before the Cock Crow Twice Thou Shalt Deny Me Thrice”


Matthew 4:19 “I Will Make You Fishers of Men”


Mark 14:24 “This Is My Blood of the New Testament Which Is Shed for Many”


Matthew 4:16 “The People Which Sat in Darkness Saw Great Light”


Mark 13:35 “Ye Know Not When the Master of the House Cometh”


Matthew 4:4 “Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone”


Matthew 3:2 “Repent Ye”


Mark 13:22 “False Christs and False Prophets Shall Rise”


Matthew 2:2 “Where Is He That Is Born King of the Jews”


Mark 13:14 “The Abomination of Desolation”


First Corinthians 16:14 “Let All Your Things Be Done With Love”


Mark 13:7 “Wars and Rumours of Wars”


First Corinthians 16:9 “There Are May Adversaries”


Mark 12:28 “Which Is the First Commandment of All?”


First Corinthians 15:54 “Death Is Swallowed Up in Victory”


First Corinthians 15:44 “There Is a Natural Body and There Is a Spiritual Body”


Mark 12:17 “Render Unto Caesar the Things That Are Caesars”


First Corinthians 15:32 “I Have Fought With Beasts at Ephesus”


Mark 12:1 “A Certain Man Planted a Vineyard”


First Corinthians 15:31 “I Die Daily”


Mark 11:22 “Have Faith in God”


Matthew 1:21 “Call His Name Jesus for He Shall Save His People From Their Sins”


Mark 10:52 “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”


First Corinthians 15:9 “I Am the Least of the Apostles”


Mark 10:43 “Whosoever Will Be Great Among You Shall Be Your Servant”


First Corinthians 15:4 “He Rose Again the Third Day According to the Scriptures”


Mark 10:27 “With Men It Is Impossible but not With God. With God All Things Are Possible”


First Corinthians 14:34 “Let Your Women Keep Silence in the Churches”


Mark 10:14 “Permit the Little Children to Come unto Me”


First Corinthians 14:32 “The Spirits of the Prophets Are Subject Unto the Prophets”


Mark 10:9 “What Therefore God Hath Joined Together Let Not Man Put Asunder”


First Corinthians 14:19 “I Had Rather Speak Five Words With My Understanding”


Mark 9:43 “Into Hell Into the Fire that Never Shall Be Quenched”


First Corinthians 14:5 “That the Church May Receive Edifying”


Mark 9:37 “Whosoever Shall Receive One of Such Children in My Name”


First Corinthians 13:13 “Now Abideth Faith Hope Love”


Mark 9:14 “O Faithless Generation”


First Corinthians 13:1 “Love”


Mark 9:1 “Shall Not Taste of Death Till”


First Corinthians 12:12 “Are We All Baptized into One Body”


Mark 8:27 “Whom Do Men Say That I Am?”


First Corinthians 12:10 “Diverse Kinds of Tongues”


Mark 8:15 “Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees”


First Corinthians 12:1 “Spiritual Gifts”


Mark 7:25 “Came and Fell at His Feet”


First Corinthians 11:24 “This Do in Remembrance of Me”


Mark 7:1 “The Parable of Human Waste”


First Corinthians 11:3 “The Head of Every Man Is Christ”


Mark 6:48 “Jesus Walking Upon the Sea”


First Corinthians 10:16 “The Communion of the Blood Christ”


Mark 6:34 “They Were as Sheep not Having a Shepherd”


First Corinthians 10:12 “Let Him that Thinketh He Standeth Take Heed Lest He Fall”


Mark 6:6 “He Marvelled Because of Their Unbelief”


First Corinthians 9:19 “I Made Myself Servant Unto All”


Mark 5:34 “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”


First Corinthians 9:1 “Am I Not Free”


Mark 5:1 “The Maniac of Gadara”


First Corinthians 8:1 “Knowledge Puffeth Up but Love Builds Up”


Mark 4:22 “For There Is Nothing Hid Which Shall not Be Manifested”


First Corinthians 7:20 “Let Every Man Abide in the Same Calling Wherein He Was Called”


First Corinthians 6:12 “All Things Are Lawful Unto Me”


Mark 4:14 “The Sower Soweth the Word”


First Corinthians 6:2 “The Saints Shall Judge the World”


Mark 3:22 “By the Prince of the Devils Casteth He Out Devils”


First Corinthians 5:1 “It Is Reported Commonly that There is Fornication Among You”


Mark 3:6 “How They Might Destroy Him”


First Corinthians 4:1 “Stewards of the Mysteries of God”


Mark 2:22 “No Man Putteth New Wine into Old Bottles”


First Corinthians 3:3 “For Ye Are Yet Carnal”


Mark 2:2 “He Preached the Word Unto Them”


Mark 1:40 “If Thou Wilt Thou Canst Make Me Clean”


First Corinthians 1:18 “The Preaching of the Cross Is to Them that Perish Foolishness”


Mark 1:21 “He Entered into the Synagogue and Taught”


First Corinthians 1:9 “God Is Faithful”


Mark 1:13 “In the Wilderness Forty Days Tempted of Satan”


First Corinthians 1:1 “Paul Called to be an Apostle Jesus Christ”


Mark 1:1 “The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”


Revelation 22:17 “The Spirit and the Bride Say Come”


Revelation 22:9 “Them Which Keep the Sayings of This Book”


Romans 16:17 “Mark Them Which Cause Divisions and Offences Contrary to the Doctrine”


Revelation 22:3 “There Shall Be No More Curse”


Romans 16:1 “Phebe Our Sister Which Is a Servant of the Church”


Revelation 21:23 “The Lamb Is the Light Thereof”


Romans 15:20 “So Have I Strived to Preach the Gospel”


Revelation 21:10 “The Holy Jerusalem Descending Out of Heaven from God”


Revelation 21:1 “And I Saw a New Heaven an a New Earth”


Romans 15:1 “Bear the Infirmities of the Weak”


Revelation 20:4 “Beheaded for the Witness of Jesus”


Romans 14:13 “Let Us not Therefore Judge One Another Any More”


Revelation 19:18 “That Ye May Eat the Flesh of Kings”


Romans 14:1 “Him That Is Weak in the Faith Receive Ye”


Revelation 19:7 “The Marriage of the Lamb Is Come”


Romans 13:10 “Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law”


Revelation 19:1 “Alleluia, Salvation, and Glory, and Honor, and Power Unto the Lord our God”


Romans 13:1 “Let Every Soul Be Subject Unto the Higher Powers”


Revelation 18:8 “She Shall Be Utterly Burned With Fire”


Romans 12:9 “Abhor That Which Is Evil”


Revelation 17:17 “God Hath Put in Their Hearts to Fulfil His Will”


Romans 12:1 “Present Your Bodies a Living Sacrifice”


Revelation 17:5 “Babylon the Great”


Romans 11:25 “The Fulness of the Gentiles”


Revelation 17:1 “The Great Whore”


Romans 11:8 “God Hath Given Them the Spirit of Slumber”


Revelation 16:16 “Armageddon”


Romans 10:17 “Faith Cometh By Hearing and Hearing By the Word of God”


Revelation 15:7 “Seven Golden Vials Full of the Wrath of God”


Romans 10:13 “Whosoever Shall Call Upon the Name of the Lord Shall Be Saved”


Revelation 14:14 “On His Head a Golden Crown and in His Hand a Sharp Sickle”


Romans 10:2 “They Have a Zeal of God but not According to Knowledge”


Revelation 14:10 “The Same Shall Drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God”


Romans 9:25 “I Will Call Them My People Which Were Not My People”


Revelation 14:5 “In Their Mouth Was Found No Guile”


Romans 9:18 “Whom He Will He Hardeneth”


Revelation 13:18 “666”


Romans 9:15 “I Will Have Mercy Upon Whom I Will Have Mercy”


Revelation 12:17 “The Dragon Was Wroth With the Woman”


Romans 9:1 “I Could Wish That Myself Were Accursed from Christ”


Revelation 12:11 “They Overcame Him by the Blood of the Lamb”


Romans 8:31 “If God Be for Us Wo Can Be Against Us”


Revelation 12:1 “A Woman Clothed With the Sun”


Romans 8:28 “All Things Work Together for Good”


Revelation 11:12 “They Ascended Up to Heaven in a Cloud”


Romans 8:15 “Ye Have Received the Spirit of Adoption”


Matthew 1:23 “Behold a Virgin Shall Be With Child”


Romans 8:6 “To Be Spiritually Mined Is Life and Peace”


Revelation 10:8 “Go and Take the Little Book”


Romans 7:21 “The Law of God After the Inward Man”


Revelation 9:13 “To Slay the Third Part of Men”


Romans 7:1 “The Law Hath Dominion”


Revelation 8:13 “Woe Woe Woe to the Inhabiters of the Earth”


Romans 6:17 “Ye Were the Servants of Sin”


Revelation 7:17 “God Shall Wipe Away All Tears From Their Eyes”


Romans 6:1 “Shall We Continue in Sin that Grace May Abound”


Revelation 7:4 “There Were Sealed an Hundred and Forty Four Thousand”


Romans 5:10 “Much More Being Reconciled”


Revelation 6:7 “The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse”


Romans 5:1 “Peace With God”


Revelation 6:2 “He Went Forth Conquering and to Conquer”


Romans 4:15 “The Law Worketh Wrath”


Revelation 5:9 “Thou Hast Redeemed Us to God by Thy Blood”


Romans 4:1 “Abraham Our Father”


Revelation 4:9 “Thou Hast Created All Things”


Romans 3:21 “The Righteousness of God Without the Law”


Revelation 4:1 “A Door Was Opened in Heaven”


Romans 3:1 “What Advantage Then Hath the Jew?”


Revelation 3:14 “The Faithful and True Witness”


Romans 2:11 “There Is No Respect of Persons With God”


Revelation 3:9 “I Will Make Them of the Synagogue of Satan”


Romans 2:1 “Thou Art Inexcusable Oman Whosoever Thou ArtThat Judgest”


Revelation 3:7 “He That Openeth and No Man Shutteth”


Romans 1:18 “For the Wrath of God Is Revealed”


Revelation 3:1 “Thou Hast a Name That Thou Livest and Art Dead”


Romans 1:10 “By the Will of God to Come Unto You”


Revelation 2:20 “That Woman Jezebel Which Calleth Herself a Prophetess”


Romans 1:6 “Ye Also the Called of Jesus Christ”


Revelation 2:12 “He Which Hath the Sharp Sword”


Romans 1:1 “A Servant of Jesus Christ”


Revelation 2:9 “But Are the Synagogue of Satan”


Romans 8:2 “The Law of the Spirit”


Revelation 2:4 “Thou Hast Left Thy First Love”


Deuteronomy 28:30 “Thou Shalt Betroth a Wife and Another Man Shall Lie With Her”


Revelation 1:13 “One Like Unto the Son of Man”


Deuteronomy 28:21 “The Lord Shall Make the Pestilence Cleave untoThee”


Deuteronomy 28:13 “The Lord Shall Make Thee the Head and not the Tail”


Revelation 1:8 “I Am Alpha and Omega”


Deuteronomy 28:1 “And It Shall Come To Pass”


Revelation 1:5 “The Prince of the Kings of the Earth”


Deuteronomy 27:3 “Thou Shalt Write Upon Them All the Words”


Revelation 1:1 “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”


Deuteronomy 26:11 “Thou Shalt Rejoice in Every Good Thing”


John 21:19 “Signifying By What Death He Should Glorify God”


Deuteronomy 26:2 “Thou Shalt Take the First of All the Fruit”


John 21:3 “Simon Peter Saith Unto Them, I Go a Fishing”


Deuteronomy 25:5 “If Brethren Dwell Together and One of Them Die”


John 20:29 “Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen Yet Have Believed”


Deuteronomy 24:18 “Thou Shalt Remember That Thou Wast a Bondman in Egypt”


John 20:19 “Peace Be Unto You”


Deuteronomy 24:2 “She May Go and Be Another Mans Wife”


John 19:38 “He Came Therefore and Took the Body of Jesus”


Deuteronomy 23:23 “That Which Is Gone Out of Thy Lips Thou Shalt Keep and Perform”


John 19:26 “Woman Behold Thy Son”


Deuteronomy 23:14 “Therefore Shall Thy Camp Be Holy”


John 19:18 “They Crucified Him and Two Other With Him”


Deuteronomy 23:5 “God Turned the Curse Into a Blessing”


John 19:4 “I Find No Fault in Him”


Deuteronomy 22:17 “He Hath Given Occasions of Speech Against Her”


John 19:1 “Then Pilate Therefore Took Jesus and Scourged Him”


Deuteronomy 22:13 “If Any Man Take a Wife and Go In Unto Her and Hate Her”


John 18:8 “I Have Told You That I Am He”


Deuteronomy 22:5 “Neither Shall a Man Put On a Womans Garment”


John 17:22 “The Glory Which Thou Gavest Me I Have Given Them”


Deuteronomy 21:23 “He That Is Hanged Is Accursed of God”


John 17:14 “I Have Given Them thy Word”


Deuteronomy 21:15 “If a Man Have Two Wives”


John 17:8 “I Have Given Unto Them the Words”


Deuteronomy 21:14 “If Thou Have No Delight in Her Then Thou Shalt Let Her Go”


John 17:1 “Father the Hour Is Come”


Deuteronomy 20:19 “Thou Shalt Not Destroy the Trees”


John 16:16 “A Little While and Ye Shall See Me”


Deuteronomy 20:9 “Make Captains of the Armies to Lead the People”


John 16:8 “He Will Reprove the World of Sin and of Righteousness and of Judgment”


Deuteronomy 20:1 “When Thou Goest Out To Battle Against Thine Enemies”


John 15:13 “Greater Love Hath No Man Than This”


Deuteronomy 19:21 “Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth”


John 15:1 “I Am the True Vine”


Deuteronomy 19:1 “When the Lord Thy God Hath Cut Off the Nations”


John 14:16 “He Shall Give You Another Comforter”


Deuteronomy 18:20 “That Prophet Shall Die”


John 13:34 “Love One Another”


Deuteronomy 18:18 “I Will Raise Them Up a Prophet”


John 13:13 “Ye Call Me Master and Lord”


Deuteronomy 18:2 “The Lord Is Their Inheritance”


John 13:8 “If I Wash Thee not Thou Hast no Part With Me”


Deuteronomy 17:15 “Set Him King Over Thee Whom the Lord Thy God Shall Choose”

John 12:35 “Walk While Ye Have the Light”


Deuteronomy 17:5 “Stone Them With Stones Till They Die”


John 12:25 “He That Loveth His Life Shall Lose It”


John 12:13 “Blessed Is the King of Israel”


John 12:8 “The Poor Always Ye Have With You”


John 11:25 “I Am The Resurrection and the Life”


John 11:1 “Now a Certain Man Was Sick Named Lazarus”


John 10:28 “I Give Unto Them Eternal Life”


John 10:11 “I Am the Good Shepherd”


John 9:25 “Whereas I Was Blind, Now I See”


John 9:4 “I Am the Light of the World”


John 8:44 “Ye Are of Your Father the Devil”


John 8:32 “The Truth Shall Make You Free”


John 8:24 “Ye Shall Die in Your Sins”


John 8:12 “I Am the Light of the World”


John 8:4 “Master This Woman Was Taken in Adultery”


John 7:40 “Of a Truth This is the Prophet”


John 7:25 “Is Not This He Whom They Seek to Kill”


John 7:7 “The World Cannot Hate You But Me It Hateth”


John 6:64 “There Are Some of You That Believe Not”


John 6:41 “I Am the Bread Which Came Down From Heaven”


John 6:27 “Labour Not for the Meat Which Perisheth”


John 6:1 “Jesus Went Over the Sea of Galilee”


John 5:39 “Search the Scriptures”


John 5:18 “Making Himself Equal With God”


John 4:24 “God Is a Spirit”


John 3:31 “He that Cometh from Heaven Is Above All”


John 3:18 “He that Believeth on Him is not Comdemned”


John 3:1 “There Was a Man of the Pharisees Named Nicodemus”


John 2:13 “Jesus Went Up to Jerusalem”


John 1:42 “Thou Shalt Be Called Cephas”


John 1:36 “Behold the Lamb of God”


John 1:17 “The Law Was Given by Moses but Grace and Truth Came by Jesus Christ”


John 1:9 “Jesus Lighteth Everyone that Cometh into the World”


John 1:1 “In the Beginning was the Word”


Habakkuk 1:2 “O Lord, How Long Shall I Cry and Thou Wilt not Hear?”


Nahum 1:15 “Behold Upon the Mountains the Feet of Him That Bringeth Good Tidings”


Nahum 1:2 “God Is Jealous”


Micah 7:13 “The Land Shall Be Desolate Because of Them That Dwell Therein”


Micah 7:1 “Woe Is Me”


Micah 6:5 “Remember Now What Balak King of Moab Consulted”


John 20:1 “The First Day of the Week Cometh Mary Magdalene Early”


Micah 5:7 “The Remnant of Jacob Shall Be in the Midst of Many”


Micah 5:2 “Though Thou Be Little Among the Thousands of Judah”


Micah 4:8 “The Kingdom Shall Come to the Daughter of Jerusalem”


Micah 3:9 “Hear This I Pray You”


Micah 3:4 “He Will Not Hear Them”


Micah 2:10 “This Is Not Your Rest Because It Is Polluted”


Micah 2:1 “Woe to Them That Devise Iniquity”


Micah 1:1 “The Word of the Lord that Came to Micah”


 “The Bible and Divorce”


John 8:1 “Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery”


Jonah 4:4 “Doest Thou Well to be Angry?”


Jonah 3:1 “The Word of the Lord Came Unto Jonah the Second Time”


Jonah 1:1 “Now the Word of the Lord Came Unto Jonah”


Obadiah 1:3 “The Pride of Thine Heart Hath Deceived Thee”


Micah 5:2 “But Thou Bethlehem Ephratah, Though Thou Be Little”


Amos 9:11 “In that Day Will I Raise Up the Tabernacle of David”


Amos 9:1 “I Saw the Lord Standing upon the Altar”


Amos 8:1 “A Basket of Summer Fruit”


Amos 6:11 “He Will Smite the Great House”


Amos 5:18 “The Day of the Lord is Darkness”


Amos 4:12 “Prepare to Meet Thy God”


Amos 3:12 “Thus Saith the Lord”


Amos 3:7 “The Lord God Will Do Nothing”


Amos 3:3 “Can Two Walk Together, Except They Be Agreed?”


Amos 2:8 “Led You Forty Years Through the Wilderness”


Amos 1:9 “Remembered not the Brotherly Covenant”


Amos 1:1 “Amos, Who Was Among the Herdmen of Tekoa”


Joel 3:17 “Judah Shall Dwell Forever”


Joel 3:2 “Multitudes, Multitudes in the Valley of Decision”


Joel 2:30 “Whosoever Shall Call Upon the Name of the LORD Shall Be Delivered”


Joel 2:26 “Your Sons and Your Daughters Shall Prophesy”


Joel 2:12 “He Is Gracious and Merciful”


Joel 1:15 “The Day of the Lord Is at Hand”


Joel 1:1 “That Which the Palmerworm Hath Left Hath the Locust Eaten”


Hosea 13:14 “I Will Love Them Freely”


Hosea 13:4 “There Is No Savior Beside Me”


Hosea 12:9 “I That Am the Lord Thy God From the Land of Egypt”


Hosea 11:7 “My People Are Bent to Backsliding”


Hosea 10:12 “Break Up Your Fallow Ground”


Hosea 10:1 “Israel is an Empty Vine”


Hosea 9:3 “Egypt Shall Gather Them Up”


Hosea 8:3 “Israel Hath Cast Off the Thing that is Good”


Hosea 7:10 “They Do Not Return to the Lord Their God”


Hosea 6:4 “But They Like Men Have Transgressed the Covenant”


Hosea 5:3 “I Know Ephraim and Israel Is Not Hid From Me”


Hosea 4:13 “I Will Not Punish Your Daughters When They Commit Whoredom”


Hosea 4:6 “My People Are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge”


Hosea 4:1 “Therefore Shall the Land Mourn”


Hosea 2:21 “They Shall Hear the Earth”


Matthew 28:1 “The First Easter”


Hosea 2:14 “I Will Allure Her”


Hosea 2:1 “I Will Go and Return to My First Husband”


Hosea 1:2 “The Land Hath Committed Great Whoredom”


Hosea 1:1 “How to Find Your Soulmate”


Daniel 12:4 “Seal the Book, Even to the Time of the End”


Daniel 12:1 “There Shall Be a Time of Trouble”


Daniel 11:36 “More About the Antichrist”


Daniel 11:21 “The Antichrist”


Daniel 11:1 “Now Will I Show Thee the Truth”


Daniel 10:13 “Michael, One of the Chief Princes, Came to Help”


Daniel 10:1 “O Daniel, A Man Greatly Beloved”


Daniel 9:14 “Seventy Weeks Are Determined Upon Thy People”


Daniel 9:1 “We Have Sinned and Have Committed Iniquity”


Luke 1:26 “The First Christmas”


Daniel 7:25 “And He Shall Speak Great Words Against the Most High”


Daniel 7:9 “I Beheld Till the Thrones Were Cast Down”


Daniel 6:25 “The Little Horn”


Daniel 6:1 “My God Hath Sent His Angel and Hath Shut the Lions’ Mouths”


Daniel 5:1 “And This is the Writing that was Written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin”


Daniel 4:1 “His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom”


Daniel 3:1 “Cast Them into the Burning Fiery Furnace”


Daniel 2:36 “Nebuchadnezzars Dream and the Last Days”


Daniel 2:5 “He Revealeth the Deep and Secret Things”


Daniel 1:1 “Daniel Purposed in his Heart that he Would not Defile Himself”


Jeremiah 48:1 “Thou Hast Trusted in Thy Works and in Thy Treasures”


Jeremiah 46:11 “I Will Not Make a Full End of Thee”


Jeremiah 45:1 “That Which I Have Built Will I Break Down”


Jeremiah 43:1 “All the Proud Men Saying unto Jeremiah, Thou Speakest Falsely”


Jeremiah 42:1 “Ye Dissembled in Your Hearts”


Jeremiah 40:1 “I Loose Thee This Day from the Chains”


Jeremiah 38:23 “Because Thou Hast Trusted in Me”


Jeremiah 38:1 “Ebedmelech the Ethiopian”


Jeremiah 36:27 “Then the Word of the Lord Came to Jeremiah”


Jeremiah 36:1 “Take Thee a Roll of a Book and Write Therein”


Jeremiah 35:1 “Ye Shall Drink No Wine”


Jeremiah 34:8 “Proclaim Liberty Unto Them”


Jeremiah 33:16 “The Lord Our Righteousness”


Jeremiah 33:7 “I Will Pardon All Their Iniquities”


Jeremiah 32:37 “Call Unto Me and I Will Answer Thee”


Jeremiah 32:20 “Thoughts About Fathers Day and – There is Nothing Too Hard for Me”


Jeremiah 32:1 “There Is Nothing Too Hard For Thee”


Jeremiah 31:29 “I Will Make a New Covenant”


Jeremiah 31:16 “Thy Work Shall Be Rewarded” (Part A)

Jeremiah 31:16 “Thy Work Shall Be Rewarded” (Part B)


Jeremiah 31:5 “With Supplications Will I Lead Them” (Part A)

Jeremiah 31:5 “With Supplications Will I Lead Them” (Part B)


Jeremiah 31:21 “A Mother’s Day Sermon” (Part A)

Jeremiah 31:21 “A Mother’s Day Sermon” (Part B)


Jeremiah 30:16 “I Have Loved Thee With an Everlasting Love” (Part A)

Jeremiah 30:16 “I Have Loved Thee With an Everlasting Love” (Part B)


Jeremiah 30:12 “All Thy Lovers Have Forgotten Thee” (Part A)

Jeremiah 30:12 “All Thy Lovers Have Forgotten Thee” (Part B)


Jeremiah 30:8 “They Shall Serve the Lord Their God” (Part A)

Jeremiah 30:8 “They Shall Serve the Lord Their God” (Part B)


Matthew 24:11 “The Rapture and the Second Coming” (Part A)

Matthew 24:11 “The Rapture and the Second Coming” (Part B)


Jeremiah 30:7 “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Great Tribulation” (Part A)

Jeremiah 30:7 “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Great Tribulation” (Part B)


Jeremiah 30:3 “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble - Intro” (Part A)

Jeremiah 30:3 “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble - Intro” (Part B)


Jeremiah 29:12 “Ye Shall Seek Me and Find Me” (Part A)

Jeremiah 29:12 “Ye Shall Seek Me and Find Me” (Part B)


Jeremiah 29:1 “For I Know the Thoughts that I Think Toward You, Saith the Lord” (Part A)

Jeremiah 29:1 “For I Know the Thoughts that I Think Toward You, Saith the Lord” (Part B)


Jeremiah 27:14 “They Prophesy a Lie in My Name” (Part A)

Jeremiah 27:14 “They Prophesy a Lie in My Name” (Part B)


Jeremiah 26:16 “He Hath Spoken Unto Us in the Name of the Lord our God” (Part A)

Jeremiah 26:16 “He Hath Spoken Unto Us in the Name of the Lord our God” (Part B)


Jeremiah 25:34 “Turn Every Man From His Evil Way” (Part A)

Jeremiah 25:34 “Turn Every Man From His Evil Way” (Part B)


Jeremiah 25:11 “This Whole Land Shall Be a Desolation” (Part A)

Jeremiah 25:11 “This Whole Land Shall Be a Desolation” (Part B)


Jeremiah 24:8 “Ye Have Not Heard My Words” (Part A)

Jeremiah 24:8 “Ye Have Not Heard My Words” (Part B)


Jeremiah 24:1 “The good figs very good, and the evil very evil” (Part A)

Jeremiah 24:1 “The good figs very good, and the evil very evil” (Part B)


Jeremiah 23:30 “The Burden of the Lord” (Part A)

Jeremiah 23:30 “The Burden of the Lord” (Part B)


Jeremiah 23:22 “Do Not I Fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord?” (Part A)

Jeremiah 23:22 “Do Not I Fill Heaven and Earth saith the Lord?” (Part B)


Jeremiah 23:16 “Who Hath Marked His Word and Heard It?” (Part A)

Jeremiah 23:16 “Who Hath Marked His Word and Heard It?” (Part B)


Jeremiah 23:9 “Because of the Words of His Holiness” (Part A)

Jeremiah 23:9 “Because of the Words of His Holiness” (Part B)


Jeremiah 23:5 “The Lord Our Righteousness” (Part A)

Jeremiah 23:5 “The Lord Our Righteousness” (Part B)


Jeremiah 22:25 “O Earth earth earth” (Part A)

Jeremiah 22:25 “O Earth earth earth” (Part B)


Jeremiah 22:6 “The LORD hath Done Thus” (Part A)

Jeremiah 22:6 “The LORD hath Done Thus” (Part B)


Jeremiah 21:1 “The Word Which Came unto Jeremiah from the LORD” (Part A)

Jeremiah 21:1 “The Word Which Came unto Jeremiah from the LORD” (Part B)


Jeremiah 20:1 “To Speak or not to Speak” (Part A)

Jeremiah 20:1 “To Speak or not to Speak” (Part B)


Jeremiah 18:19 “Vengeance or Love” (Part A)

Jeremiah 18:19 “Vengeance or Love” (Part B)


Jeremiah 18:13  “The Consequences of Sin” (Part A)

Jeremiah 18:13  “The Consequences of Sin” (Part B)


Jeremiah 18:1  “Potter and the Clay”  (Part A)

Jeremiah 18:1  “Potter and the Clay”  (Part B)


Jeremiah 17:19  “The Sabbath Day  (Part A)

Jeremiah 17:19  “The Sabbath Day”  (Part B)


Jeremiah 17:7  “Bearing Fruit”  (Part A)

Jeremiah 17:7  “Bearing Fruit”  (Part B)


Jeremiah 17:1  “How Does Someone Come To Know The Lord?”  (Part A)

Jeremiah 17:1  “How Does Someone Come To Know The Lord?”  (Part B)


Jeremiah 16:12  “The Depravity Of Man”  (Part A)      

Jeremiah 16:12  “The Depravity Of Man”  (Part B)    


Jeremiah 16:1  “God's Will For Marriage”   (Part A)    

Jeremiah 16:1  “God's Will For Marriage”   (Part B)    


Jeremiah 15:15  “Separation From The World”  (Part A)    

Jeremiah 15:15  “Separation From The World”  (Part B)    


Jeremiah 14:17  “The Love Of God”  (Part A)   

Jeremiah 14:17  “The Love Of God”   (Part B)    








Copyright; 2012 by Charles F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved