Help me traverse the endless miles,

Draw far horizons near,

That distance me from You, dear Lord,

That turn my hope to fear.


Help me to glimpse Your rays of light

Behind dark cloud’s despair;

Help me to catch Your cadence bright

In life’s sad songs of care.


Help me to clasp Your outstretched Hand,

Obey Your loving voice.

To rise – reborn in limbs and life,

And with You, Lord, rejoice! Amen.


By Mrs. Mary McCormack






Biography of Mrs. Mary McCormack


Born in northern Ireland in 1914. Matriculated to Queen’s University, Belfast. Taught near Liverpool, England for two years. Taught in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Raphael, and Vallejo, Calif. A teaching career of forty years. Retired. Went to be with the Lord on May 1, 2006. (Deo Gratias!).








Copyright; 2005 by Charles F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved