The Bible says in Jude verse 7, Even as
The evil angels are said to be in everlasting chains under darkness. The citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah are
said to be suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire.
Darkness and fire are two of the prominent characteristics of hell. Darkness
represents the absence of Gods presence. Those who go to hell will be those
who have chosen to reject Gods light. Jesus is the light of the world. Right
now the blessings of creation shine down upon all the inhabitants of the earth.
But those who chose spiritual darkness will get their desire given to them.
They will have total darkness. Darkness means of course that they will not see,
and therefore they will experience nothing except their own burning conscience
as the consequences of their sins and the full weight of their guilt gnaws at
them constantly. Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when He described hell as the
place where their worm dieth not.
Perhaps the worm is their conscience constantly gnawing at them. They ignored
their conscience when on earth, but evidently they will not be able to ignore
it when they are cast into eternal darkness.
They will not be able to ignore the flames either. Jesus also
described hell as a place of flames. The only reason that I can think that
there would be flames is so that the damned will be tormented by the flames.
That is what is implied here in Jude when Jude writes of the vengeance of eternal fire. Jesus quoted a man who was sent to hell
as saying, I am tormented
in these flames. Why the
flames? Obviously the flames are to torment and to punish. God is a just God.
He is not going to send anyone to hell unless they deserve to go to hell, of
that you can be sure. And if they deserve to go to hell, they deserve to be
punished in hell. Some people do not get punished the way that they should be
in this life for the horrible things that they have done and for the pain that
they have caused others. One lifetime is not enough time to punish them any
way. Of course, going to hell is more an issue of the rejection of truth as it
is the punishment for the committing of sins. But both are involved. A just God
must punish sins. If you want to avoid such a fate, turn to Jesus now, repent,
and ask for forgiveness from your sins.
Those who have sinned and who have not found forgiveness through
Jesus Christ face judgment. Sodom and Gomorrah are an example of that. Notice
the sins that Sodom and Gomorrah committed. At least two things are mentioned:
fornication and going
after strange flesh. The
phrase that is translated giving
themselves over to fornication
is translated from one word. It is a good translation because the one word is
the word that refers to the committing of fornication with a preposition added
to it for emphasis. According to the Holy Spirit the people of Sodom and
Gomorrah did not just commit acts of fornication, which would have been bad
enough, but the people of Sodom and Gomorrah went to an extreme in their
pursuits of sexual license. Evidently they were a society that constantly found
new ways to present sexual immorality as though it were good. They were a
society where sexual immorality was accepted and encouraged. They were a
society that went over the bounds and stayed over the bounds purposefully and
willfully. They did not repent of their sins. Instead they went further and
further into pursuing the sins that had characterized them. Jesus said, Except you repent, you shall all
likewise perish. God
designed sex. There is nothing wrong with sex, as long as the normal boundaries
for it are kept. The bed
in marriage is undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
This pursuit of sexual excess that characterized Sodom and
Gomorrah extended into homosexuality. Undoubtedly that is the meaning of the
phrase, strange flesh. Flesh is a word that simply refers to
human life. Human life is divided up into two sexes: male and female. The word
that is translated strange means different and of a different kind:
in other words different from what it should be. God created man as male and
female. Jesus spoke of marriage and used the word flesh in Matthew 19:5-6. Jesus said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother
and shall cleave to his wife; and they two shall be one flesh. That is Gods plan for human sexuality.
Those who go after strange
flesh and go into
homosexuality have terribly departed from the life that God meant for human
beings to live.
Sodom and Gomorrah are examples of the judgment of God against
societies that commit sexual sins in great excess and that includes
homosexuality. Homosexuals should not be persecuted just as those who commit
other forms of sexual sins should not be persecuted, but they should be
encouraged to repent of their sins before they stand at the judgment of a holy
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their
sexual immorality and homosexuality. False religious leaders also often commit
sins of sexual immorality and a judgment similar to that of Sodom and Gomorrah
awaits them. Concerning false teachers Jude writes in verse 8, Likewise also these filthy dreamers
defile the flesh, despise dominions, and speak evil of dignities. In this verse the false teachers are
given a description, and then three things are said about them: one is
something that they do, one is something that they think, and one is something
that they speak.
False teachers are called filthy dreamers.
Notice that in the KJV the word filthy is in
italics. The translators added the word for clarification in order to show just
what kind of dreams is being talked about. It is a good word to add based upon
the context. These false teachers are dreamers. They use their imagination, but
they use it in the wrong way. The imagination of man can be a wonderful thing.
That which you can conceive, you can achieve (with help from Christ.) But the
fantasies of the human mind can be the birthplace to doctrines of demons and
terrible deeds. Be careful about your thoughts. Guard them carefully. Your
thoughts will lead to actions, and your actions will bring consequences, and
those consequences will determine your destiny. Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the
issues of life.
What do the dreams of false teachers lead to? It leads to them
defiling the flesh. Remember that we are talking about sexual immorality here.
The will of God is that your body and your spirit be kept clean. The will of
God is that a human being learn how to properly take care of his or her body.
There are activities that the body should not be involved in or it will be defiled. The Apostle Paul wrote of this principle in First
Corinthians 6:15, Know ye
not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members
of Christ, and make them the members of a harlot? God forbid. Paul also write in First Corinthians
6:18, Flee fornication.
Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth
fornication sinneth against his own body.
False teachers are committing sexual sins. That is one reason that
so many religious leaders commit sexual sins. We live in the last time, and
there are many antichrists. Many of the religious leaders in every denomination
and religious group of our day are false teachers. Therefore, do not be
surprised at the sins that they commit. Such individuals are described very
clearly here in the book of James. They defile the flesh,
and they also despise
dominion. The word that is
translated despise means to work against and to try to set
aside. What are they opposed to? They despise dominion.
The word dominion means rule. It comes from the same
word as the word Lord. The false teachers are opposed to the
Lord, and therefore they are opposed to those whom the Lord would choose to do
His work.
When Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave gifts unto men. The
spiritual gifts should be used by the ones to whom the gifts have been given.
Among these gifts is the gift to teach. The false teachers despise the true
teachers. The false teachers will work against the true teachers. Given that
the false teachers are often in leadership positions in the various religious
organizations, the true teachers will find themselves opposed and despised too
often by the religious leaders. These are the last days. These are troubling
and difficult times. Why will true teachers be opposed by religious leaders?
Jude gives us the answer. It happens because false teachers despise dominion, and therefore they despise the ones
whom the Lord would set up.
The third evil deed that is done by false teachers as given in
Jude verse 8 is that they speak
evil of dignities. The words
that are translated speak
evil come from the word to
blaspheme. Of course, the false teachers blaspheme.
Who are the dignities that they blaspheme? The word that is translated
dignities is a word that is very common in the New Testament and is usually
translated as glory. The word is used two other times by
Jude in verses 24 and 25. Those verses say, Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and
to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding
joy. To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and
power, both now and ever. Amen.
Just as in verses 24 and 25 usually the word glory
is used in reference to the Lord. False teachers blaspheme the Lord. The reason
that the false teachers are against true teachers is because the false teachers
are also against the Lord. They speak against the Lord Jesus. As Jude said in
verse 4 the false teachers deny the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
But in spite of the fact of
how bad the false teachers are and how much they do against the true teachers,
we are never to resort to their ways and their tactics. Our goal is to do
things the way that Jesus did them, and if we must suffer for it, then so be
it. We will use respect for all human beings. We will show respect to everyone
in a position of power or authority, even though we know what they are really
made of. That is the point that Jude is making in verse 9 with the example of
the angel named Michael. Jude wrote, Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he
disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a railing
accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
The implication here is that we should
have a certain amount of restraint in our attitudes towards every one of Gods created
beings, even those that we know to be in error: even towards the evil angels.
Michael the archangel would have had every justification to rebuke and to speak
against the devil, but Michael did not do so. Instead Michael said to the
devil, The Lord rebuke thee. We should be more like Michael, the
archangel, and put our enemies into Gods hands and let God decide what He is
going to do or not do. God is the Judge, and we are not. If we really believe
that, then in our personal relationships we will not do or say anything that is
judgmental. We will wait for Gods judgment in His way and in His time. We will
speak the truth without judging.
Copyright; 2005 by Charles
F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved