The Bible says in Jude verse 4, For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before
of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God
into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude is talking about false teachers.
Notice first of all just exactly where the false teachers are found. Jude said
that the false teachers are in. Jude wrote, there are certain men crept in. In other words the false teachers are
inside of Christianity. Some people think that the false teachers are not in
their group. They think that the false teachers are only in other groups. But
Jude, writing by the Holy Spirit, said that the false teachers are in.
How did the false teachers get in? No
one would purposely allow false teachers inside. How did it happen? Jude tells
us. Jude wrote, For there
are certain men crept in unawares. The false teachers were not welcomed in. They came in
with stealth and secrecy. They learned the language of Christianity. That is
why they were not detected. Anyone can learn the language of Christianity and
then use that language in order to be accepted. It happened in the first
century, and it is even easier for it to happen in our century. Think how
modern Christian organizations are organized. Anyone can get a doctorate degree
in theology, and the more intelligent that they are, the easier it is for them
to get such a degree. Anyone can learn to say things that please those in
power, if that is their number one priority. People that are power-hungry
become very skilled at saying what will get them what they want no matter what
they really believe. That is how they crept in unawares.
That is the problem. Now what should be done about it? What should
be done is that the true believers should be diligent about teaching the truth.
Error is combated with truth. Once I learn the truth real well and once I learn
the genuine article, then I can easily spot that which is counterfeit. On the
other hand, people become easy prey for false doctrine when they are not
well-grounded in the truth of the Bible and in true doctrine.
Right away Jude tells us the destiny of false teachers. He speaks
of their condemnation. Truth is a wonderful thing, and those
who teach the truth are doing a great and wonderful activity. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace,
and bring glad tidings of good things! But the opposite is also true. How horrible are those who teach
that which is false, and their eternal destiny is horrible. There will be more
said about the terrible destiny in this epistle. The things said will be
similar to what Paul wrote about false teachers in Galatians 1:8-9, But though we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let
him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any
other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
These false teachers claim to be of God. They may even have a
reputation that they are of God because many people will not recognize that
they are false. Jude reminds us that the false teachers are ungodly men. Jude
also tells us two important doctrines in which the false teachers that he is
speaking of go wrong. In verse 4 Jude writes that the false teachers are turning the grace of our God into
lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. The false teachers fail in regards to
the doctrine of Grace and they fail in regards to the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
Lets think about the doctrine of grace. The doctrine of grace is
central to the way of salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9, For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man
should boast. Romans
The first extreme is regarding legalism. Some false teachers have
added works to the doctrine of salvation. They will give some physical activity
or some religious activity or some good work that you must do to be saved in
addition to believing on Christ. The Apostle Paul exposed such error both in
the book of Romans when the Holy Spirit gave the words about justification by
faith without works and in the book of Galatians when Paul spoke so strongly
against those who tried to add works and the keeping of the law to the gospel.
For example, in Romans
One extreme is to tear down the message of grace by corrupting
grace with legalism. Another extreme is the one that Jude mentions here in
verse 4: to tear down the message of grace by corrupting it with license. The
fact that we are saved by grace is not a license to sin. Sin is not excused.
Sin is so horrible it must be punished. That is why Jesus went to the cross of
The false teachers have also denied the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus
Christ. First of all lets
notice that the word Lord is used twice here. What is interesting
about this is that there are actually two different words that are translated
as Lord. The first word is a word that means
potentate, and so we could read, the only potentate God. The second word is
the word that is normally translated Lord in the
New Testament. Of course, both words are used for God and both words are used
for Jesus Christ. This is an obvious declaration that Jesus Christ is God.
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God.
This is one of the things that the false teachers commonly deny. They deny the
deity of Christ.
Looking at the next verse in Jude, verse 5, there is another
interesting use of the word Lord that gives an additional declaration
that Jesus Christ is God. Verse 5 says, I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew
this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt,
afterward destroyed them that believed not. Of course, we see the use of the word Lord from the Old
Testament and we know that it is talking about God. That is true. But wait just
a minute. Here in the Greek text we just saw in the previous verse that the
word Lord is used speaking of Jesus Christ. The
word Lord in verse 4 of Lord Jesus Christ is the same word as the word Lord in verse 5. That should not surprise anyone who understands that
Jesus Christ is God. That should not surprise anyone who understands that Jesus
Christ is the manifestation of God. Jesus is the Lord who saved the people out
of the land of Egypt. Jesus is the Savior and always has been.
The Jews knew that Jesus claimed to be God. That is why they went
about to stone Him. Jesus claimed to be God. That is why he said such things
as, If you have seen me,
you have seen the Father.
And Jesus said, All power
is given unto me. The only
one who has all power is God. God exists in three persons. The concept of
three-in-one is a concept that exists in nothing else in the human experience
except for the revealed Word of God. Perhaps we can say that the three always
cooperate, but somehow they each have a different role. The role of Jesus
Christ is to be the manifestation of God. When God came in the flesh, He came
as the person of Jesus Christ. The Father did not come in the flesh. The Father
looked down from heaven upon Jesus Christ and said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am
well-pleased. In the godhead
it appears that the role of Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God.
Therefore, it is likely that any manifestation of God in the past has also been
the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, any manifestation of God in the Old
Testament is probably Jesus Christ. That certainly is supported by the use of
the word Lord here in the book of Jude.
Because the Lord is God, He has all power. He has all power in
every sense of the word. He is King and He is Judge. He has the power to save
from any circumstance. May that give us hope and faith. But He also has the
power to judge any circumstance. May that give us fear and reverence and
repentance. He is a holy God who must punish sin and wrong-doing. God is a
gracious and forging God who can forgive any number and any degree of sin, but
He can also punish sin whenever He thinks it necessary to do so. In His own
time and in His own way, the Lord Jesus Christ knows how to punish.
In Jude verses 5, 6, and 7 we are given three examples of when God
did bring judgment upon His creatures. The first example has to do with the
Israelites when they were saved out of
All of the Israelites participated in the deliverance, but later something
terrible happened to some of them because of their own actions. They lost their
lives because of lack of faith. It is a privilege to live on this earth,
serving the King of kings by faith. If Jesus has saved you, it is His will that
you live every day by faith in Him. You have seen how good He is to those who
put their trust in Him. But also judgment begins at the house of God. There is a sin unto death. For this cause some are sickly among you, and some sleep. This is not the loss of salvation.
Salvation cannot be lost because we are sanctified by God the Father and
preserved in Jesus Christ. Refer back to verse 1. But we can still be chastised
in this life, and the greatest chastisement is to have the opportunity to live
for God in this life taken away.
The Israelites were judged because of unbelief. The angels were
judged because of rebellion. Rebellion against God is as idolatry and
witchcraft. Jude verse 6 says, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their
own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the
judgment of the great day.
One of the words that is very noticeable in this verse is the word everlasting. This is a judgment that has to do with
eternity. There is a judgment that is an eternal judgment. This eternal
judgment was originally designed for the evil angels and not for man. How could
a loving God create hell? For one thing, God created hell for the evil angels.
Some angels departed from their original estate as servants to God, an in so
doing they did it for eternity. A decision to reject God is also a decision to
reject Gods purpose for you. What a sad thing that some human beings will
commit a similar error to that of these fallen angels and end up in the same
eternal punishment. It does not have to be that way. Romans 10V13, For whosoever shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be saved.
The name of the Lord is Jesus. Call upon Him today.
Copyright; 2005 by
Charles F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved