In First John
What makes these people antichrists is their attitude towards
Christ. They are not for Christ: they are against Christ. They do not receive
the true teachings about Jesus Christ, and so they are antichrists. They went
out from John, because they did not like nor agree with what John was saying.
If someone does not accept my teachings, then they do not accept me; and if my
teachings are from God and His Son, then whoever does not accept my teachings,
does not accept God either. These antichrists went away from the things that
the apostles taught. That is how you will recognize them. They will be
manifested by what they teach. If they departed from the key points of
apostolic doctrine especially about Jesus, then they departed from Christ. Of
course, you will not recognize them unless you know the Bible very well.
But even if you study the Bible a lot, you will not understand it
properly unless you have the Holy Spirit to teach you. John said that those to
whom he was writing did have the Holy Spirit and they would understand. He
wrote in First John 2:20, But
ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. Those who have the Holy Spirit know all
that they need to know. John said that he was writing to these believers, not
because they did not know what they needed, but because they know already. If
you already know what is good and true, it is a good thing to hear what is good
and true once again. That same concept was understood by the song writer who
penned, Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my
heart every word. Tell me the story so precious, sweetest that ever was heard.
If you know the truth, then you will not be fooled by a lie. Many,
many people are fooled by the antichrists of whom one great characteristic is
that they are liars. And they are very good liars. That is why without the Holy
Spirit and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you also will be fooled by them.
One reason that they are so good at fooling people is because these false
teachers are often very good speakers. Paul wrote about them in Romans 16:18
where he said that they, by
good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Listen to what Peter said about the
antichrists. He wrote in Second Peter 2:1-2, But there were false prophets also among the people, even
as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in
damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon
themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by
reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
Remember that your best teacher is always the Holy Spirit. You
cannot learn anything the way you need to unless the Holy Spirit teaches it to
you no matter who is speaking. On the other hand, if all that you have is the
Word of God, the Holy Spirit is quite capable of teaching you whatever He wants
you to know.
These antichrists should know the truth. They heard the truth.
Evidently the Holy Spirit offered them the truth at one time. But the
antichrists chose a lie instead of the truth, and now they are liars. That is
what John said, and his message is from God. John wrote in First John 2:22, Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?
He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. So far we have been told three
characteristics of the antichrists. At some point they hear the truth: maybe
they are members of churches at some point in their life, or students or even
teachers in a seminary, but at some point they cast themselves off from the
apostolic teachings. They become attached to a lie instead of to the truth.
This passage undoubtedly is talking about the deity of Christ. The antichrists
reject the concept of the deity of Christ. That is why First John
And what John is saying is that if you reject Jesus, then you have
rejected the Father. John says that very bluntly in First John 2:23. He writes,
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same has not the Father; but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. It is not enough to say, I believe in
God, because Jesus and the Father are One. That is the truth. The truth is
universal and the truth comes from God. The One true God who is everywhere
presents the truth to all. Those who reject the truth will reject the truth
about Christ. Why do people reject the idea that Jesus is the Christ and that
Jesus is God the Son? They reject it because they reject the truth that God is
trying to reveal to them. They are rejecting God. Whoever says that they accept
God and yet deny Christ is an antichrist.
First John 2:24, Let
that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning. If that
which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall
continue in the Son, and in the Father. The problem that every Christian will face is the possibility
of departing from sound doctrine. One way to keep that from happening is to
always remember the beginning: the beginning of Christianity. Remember what it
is really all about. This is what it is about: I am a sinner. I need a Savior.
Jesus Christ the Son of God came into the world to die for the sins of the
world. Jesus forgives the sins of those who repent and turn to Him. Everyone
who has entered into this relationship with Christ listens to His teachings and
has a goal of following Him and doing His will. There will be circumstances to
arise and people to come into your life whose effect will be to lead you away
from what you learned at the beginning of your Christian life. Many people have
started well, but then do not finish well. Do not let that happen to you. John
did not want that to happen to these Christians to whom he was writing. John
knew that it would happen to them if they listened to the wrong teachers.
John wrote in First John 2:25, And this is the promise that He has promised us, even
eternal life. Perhaps John
wrote this verse in order to remind these believers of one of the central ideas
in the foundational truths regarding Jesus Christ. It is all about eternal
life. The promises that Jesus gave are largely in regards to the next life.
Jesus has given to us great and precious promises. Most people only have this
life to live for. Jesus said, In
my Fathers house are many mansions. I go to prepare a
place for you, so that where I am you may be also. Jesus also said about His believers, I give unto them eternal life and they
shall never perish. To give
one more example, Jesus said just before raising Lazarus from the dead, I am the
resurrection and the life. Whosoever liveth and believeth
in me shall never die. There
is nothing more important than having eternal life. The antichrists can do
nothing for you. No one can do anything for you in regards to eternal life
except for Jesus..
The Apostle John realized the need to warn these believers of a
serious situation that they would face just like all other believers. John
wrote in First John 2:26, These
things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. The antichrists are false teachers.
They are not satisfied with believing that which is false: they are very
motivated to teach, to manipulate, and to control. What they teach and the way
that they teach will be a seduction to even believers. If the Lord delays His
coming, even the elect may be seduced.
John reminds these believers one more time of what resource has
been given to them so that they can avoid being drawn away by false teachers or
false teachings. John wrote in First John 2:27, But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but
as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie,
and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him. John had just mentioned the eternal
life that we have from Jesus. No one can ever take that from us. Now John is
mentioning for the second time the anointing
that we have is speaking of the Holy Spirit. If you are a true believer in
Jesus, you have been given the Holy Spirit who dwells within you. No one can
ever take the Holy Spirit away from you. One of the things that the Holy Spirit
does for you is that He teaches you.
Never forget that the Holy Spirit is your teacher. Jesus told the
disciples that when Jesus left the earth, Jesus would send the Holy Spirit to
guide us into all truth. You cannot understand the Bible the way that you need
to, and you cannot be touched by specific Bible verses that you need, and you
cannot learn the true spiritual truths that you also desperately need without
the Holy Spirit. Learn to listen to and rely upon the Holy Spirit as a teacher.
Yes, Jesus has gifted certain men as teachers of His Word, but that never
changes the fact that your primary teacher is the Holy Spirit. Many people have
wrongly stopped leaning upon the anointing that is within them, and instead
have turned themselves over to some human being. No pastor or preacher has a
right to lord it over the flock, and no believer should turn their mind over
to some control freak. Maybe they want to control you so badly because they are
an antichrist. The Spirit of the Lord is the spirit of liberty: liberty of body
and mind and soul. Jesus came to bring freedom: freedom from sin and freedom
from bondage and freedom from error. Do not become entangled once again under
any kind of bondage: especially not the bondage of some human teacher. Yes,
listen to a human teacher, and hopefully it will be a teacher gifted by Christ
to teach the Word; but never forget that your main teacher is the Holy Spirit.
John wrote in First John
In Pauls case he was in prison with a death sentence, and he knew
that he was about to die, and therefore he knew that he was about to stand before
the Savior and the Almighty God. In Johns case here in First John evidently he
had no impending death, and so the event that John was looking to was the
coming of the Lord. John expected the Lord Jesus Christ to return to the earth.
We should also live that way: with that kind of expectation. The Lord Jesus
Christ will return to the earth some day and some time. He could very well
return today. Everything is set up for his return. Remember that we are already
in the last time, and Christ will return in the last time. Remember that there
are already many antichrists, and the man of sin will be revealed once Christ has
raptured His beloved ones out of the earth. Do like the Apostle John: look
forward to the return of your Savior, and make it your goal to meet the Savior
unashamed. And you will only do that if you avoid the seduction of the
teachings of the antichrists.
John has one more thing to say about recognizing the antichrists.
The Bible says in First John 2:29, If you know that he is righteous,
you know that everyone that does righteousness is born of him. John
learned this from Jesus and from the Holy Spirit. Jesus said in warning about
the false ones, You shall know them by their fruits. One way
that you will know the antichrists is by their teachings. Another way that you
will know them is by their life. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The
antichrists are people who live in sin. They use their religious position in
order to take advantage of people: this might be sexually or financially or any
other way. A servant of Christ is a humble person, surrendered to the will of
Christ. An antichrist is a proud person, going about doing their own will for
the sake of their own ego. They are capable of nothing else. They just might
deceive you by how well they speak, but watch them. You will know them by their
fruits. As John wrote, everyone that doeth righteousness is born of him. If they do
not do righteousness, then you must assume that they are not born of him.
Beloved, this is the last time, and there are many antichrists.
Copyright; 2005 by Charles
F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved