The Bible says in Second Thessalonians 3:11 For we hear that there are some which
walk among you, disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Perhaps you have heard the phrase, idleness is the devils workshop. This phrase is not a verse from the
Bible, but the phrase certainly is consistent with what is being said here in
verse 11. Gods will is for you to work in an orderly
way to accomplish something. If you are not doing that, there will be certain
negative consequences. One of the negative consequences is that if you are not
financially independent, your material needs will come from depending upon
Another negative consequence has to do with the amount of free
time that the disorderly person will have on his hands. In order to do the
right thing, it is important to stay out of the place of temptation. Jesus told
us to pray, Lead us not
into temptation. We depend
upon the Lord to keep us out of temptation, and there are also things that we
ourselves can do to keep out of the place of temptation. We can avoid going to
places where we know that we will be tempted. We can also make sure that we
stay busy at the Masters business.
According to Second Thessalonians 3:11, one of the things that
people do who are not busy enough in the work that God has for them is that
they become busybodies. They become busy in the wrong things.
They become involved in matters that would have been avoided if they had been
busy with work. Of course, everyone has an opportunity to improve themselves.
What these people should do to improve their lives is given in Second
Thessalonians 3:12 that says; Now
them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord
Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread. Once a person starts working, then they
can eat their own bread. Once a person does their own work with quietness, they are too busy to be a
Hopefully every Christian will learn to be responsible for their
own actions and will learn to be responsible for their own financial needs. The
Apostle Paul takes several verses to talk about a rather unpleasant subject:
the fact that faithful Christians will have to separate from other Christians
for various reasons. In this passage it has been made clear that there are two
reasons to separate from other Christians. One reason has to do with behavior
and the other reason has to do with doctrine. A faithful follower of Christ
will have to separate from other Christians because many of the Christians who
are around us are not doing the things that they ought to be doing or they are
not teaching the things that they ought to be teaching.
Especially in these last days we look around and see church after
church that is doing something that is weird or strange or unscriptural. If we
are not careful it could be discouraging. But the Bible says in Second
Thessalonians 3:13, But
ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. A faithful believer might be tempted to think that his
faithfulness is accomplishing nothing. But that is never true. It may appear to
be accomplishing nothing, but whoever is serving Christ, is accomplishing
something that is extremely important. It is important to God and to Gods
plan, even if the results cannot be seen by man. The Bible says in Galatians
6:9, And let us not be
weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Continuing on the theme of what to do about Christians who do not
obey the Word of God, Paul wrote in Second Thessalonians 3:14, And if any man obey
not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that
he may be ashamed. The
subject that we are reviewing started in verse 6 of this chapter. It goes from
Second Thessalonians 3:6 to Second Thessalonians 3:15. That is ten Bible
verses: over twenty percent of the book of Second Thessalonians, which has a
total of forty-seven verses. Evidently it is a very important subject. How do
we treat other Christians who have gone astray from the teachings of the New
Testament, either by doctrine or by action?
The proper treatment towards unspiritual Christians is a delicate
balance between separation and admonition. The principle of separation from other
Christians is given in Second Thessalonians 3:14 that says, And if any man obey
not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that
he may be ashamed. This
verse answers the question right away about what is wrong with the ecumenical
movement. They have shameful alliances. But the next Bible verse must not be
ignored either. It says, Yet
count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. This verse answers the question about
what is wrong with some negative Chrstians. They have
disgusting and unscriptural attitudes towards those whom they should count as brothers.
To be a faithful follower of Christ, you must have two essential
things as part of your Christian character: the principle of separation from
iniquity and the principle of brotherly love for other Christians. You should
be lacking in neither one, and you should never allow the one to outweigh or to
nullify the other. The word holy means to be separate from evil. God
said, Be ye holy for I am
holy. And He also said, Come out from among them and be ye
separate, and touch not the unclean thing. The same Bible that tells us these things also tells us in
First John
It is very important to separate from those Christians who are not
doing right or who are not teaching right. A very specific example was given
here in Second Thessalonians concerning those who refuse to work. A similar
example can be found in First Corinthians 5:1 that says, It is reported commonly that there is
fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among
the Gentiles, that one should have his fathers wife. And then it says in First Corinthians
5:5-7a, To deliver such an
one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved
in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a
little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out
therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump.
There are at least two good results that can come from properly
separating from Christians who are not doing right. The first good result is
that such a Christian is kept from being a bad influence. By separating from
him, his bad actions or his bad teachings will not spread so readily to others.
Human beings including Christians are easily influenced by others. A little leaven leaveneth
the whole lump. Secondly,
once separation has taken place, there is a greater possibility that the
individual will see the error of his way and change for the better. We do not allow them into our fellowship
until they change because we do not want them to get the wrong idea that
somehow we approve of their bad actions or their bad teachings. Here is the
result that we are looking for: that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. It is not even so important what
happens to them in this life. What is important is what happens at the judgment
when Christ uncovers all things.
We separate from them, but we do it hoping that it will be only a
temporary separation. We do not try to cause them harm. Our goal is to see them
improve. Is not that the way that Christ treats every one of us? He is always
working in our lives to make us better. Even the chastisements are for that
purpose. That is why Second Thessalonians
Paul begins his conclusion to the book of Second Thessalonians and
writes, Now the Lord of
peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all. The Lord of peace is Jesus Christ. There are many ways in which Jesus gives peace.
Jesus alone can give peace to the lost soul. A sinner is at enmity with God.
When you have a holy God on the one hand, and you have a self-willed
unrepentant sinner on the other hand, then you do not have peace. You have a
human being who has no peace. The Apostle Paul was that way himself before he
came to know Christ as Savior. Jesus said to Saul concerning Sauls inner
turmoil in Acts 9:5, I am
Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to
kick against the pricks.
There is peace once a soul surrenders to its Creator and Savior. There is no
more war between the unspiritual one and the Master. Romans 5:1 says; Therefore being justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Once a person has been saved and has gained this peace with Jesus Christ,
that person still needs to be supplied with peace at heart: regarding all of
the crazy things that can be happening in his life or in the world around him.
Jesus can give this kind of peace also. Jesus said to His disciples, My peace I give unto you. Believers certainly need extra
provisions of peace from the Lord of peace. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote
in what we might call a prayer in regards to the believers in Thessalonica, Now the Lord of peace himself give you
peace always by all means.
It says the Lord of peace himself
give you peace. Only Jesus
can give true peace. He decides who has peace and who does not. There is no peace, saith the Lord, to
the wicked.
Because Jesus is the Lord of peace, He is the only one who can
give a future and lasting peace. The world cries out, Peace, Peace, but there is no peace because they are
looking to the wrong place to find peace. The Messiah will bring the future
when He returns to rule the earth. Speaking of the future kingdom of peace that
the Messiah will establish, it says in Zechariah 9:10, And I will cut off the chariot from
Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the battle bow shall be cut off: and
he shall speak peace unto the heathen: and his dominion shall be from sea to
sea, and from the river even unto the ends of the earth. What a wonderful day it will be when
the Lord of peace comes to the earth, destroys the enemies of God, and sets up
His great kingdom of peace.
Paul identifies himself in Second Thessalonians 3:17 and writes, The salutation of Paul with mine own
hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write. This verse reveals the method that Paul
used to write his letters. Evidently he dictated them to a penman, but then
Paul would write the last couple of verses as he said, with mine own hand. The reason that Paul did this was
probably because of having very poor eyesight. It shows that in spite of having
a physical limitation, God still gave Paul the means to accomplish what needed
to be accomplished. That is what grace will do.
The last thing that the Word of God says in the book of Second
Thessalonians is, The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. He is the Lord of peace and He is also the Lord of
grace. Grace comes from Christ. He does for us freely what we cannot do for
ourselves. Grace is available because Jesus suffered and died on the cross of
Copyright; 2006 by Charles
F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved