The Bible says in Second Thessalonians 1:1, Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the
church of the Thessalonians, which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus
Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus
Christ. Of course, we all
know that Paul wrote this great epistle as he was moved by the Holy Spirit. It
is important to notice that Paul included Silvanus and Timothy as equals in his
introduction. Paul was not on a power trip. He was not out to consolidate his
influence or to gain an advantage over others who were in the ministry. Because
Paul was led by the Spirit, he saw other Christians as fellow-workers. We have
a big job before us: to spread the teachings of Christ around the world. We
need each other.
Paul said that he was writing to the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ. The
Father and Christ are inseparable. Along with the Holy Spirit, they are God.
What one is, the other is. What one does, the other does. If you are in God,
then you are in Christ. The word in speaks of
a close personal relationship. It speaks of spiritual life. Paul is writing to
those who have spiritual life because of their relationship with God through
Christ. Without this relationship there is no true spiritual life.
Paul wrote to the believers in the city of
To serve the Lord Jesus Christ in this world of woe we need grace
because of our many frailties and weaknesses. We also need peace within our
hearts and minds. There may be no peace around us, but there can be peace
within us because of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Think
of the truths about Jesus and you can have peace: He is God, He has all power,
He can do anything, He loves us, He is always with us, He has a plan for us,
and He will come again and receive us unto Himself. We pray that His will be
done in all things that happen to us, and therefore we know that His will shall
be done.
One thing that is important to notice is that Paul prayed that
these believers in Thessalonica would receive grace and peace, and these were
very spiritual Christians already. If they continue to need grace and peace
from the Lord, then obviously we do also. Paul wrote in Second Thessalonians
1:3-4, We are bound to
thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you
all toward each other aboundeth; So that we ourselves
glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your
persecutions and tribulations that ye endure. These Christians are commended for their faith, their love for
one another, their patience, and their endurance.
Of course, they had some faith. They would not be Christians if
they did not have faith. But in order to grow as a Christian, there are many
things to be added to faith. The Christians in Thessalonica had added many
things to their faith. They had added one of the most important things of all:
Christian love. Jesus said, By
this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, that ye have love one to
another. If you do not have
love for other Christians, something is terribly wrong. It says in First John
2:11, But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness,
and knoweth not wither he goeth,
because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
It is interesting to notice that these Christians had patience, and that they did endure. The
word that is translated patience means to remain under whatever burden
has been given for you to bear. Instead of bearing to the end their God-given
burden, some Christians throw it off through self-will. They miss the blessing
because they do not stay to the end to see what God will do. It is no secret what God can do. What He
has done for others, He will do for you. But you must remain under the burden until His appointed time
to deliver you. He that
endures unto the end shall be saved. This is not the salvation of the soul, but it refers to being
saved from some calamity or burden or sorrow of life.
The Christians of Thessalonica were enduring persecutions and tribulations. Persecutions refer to the mean things
that non-Christians or unspiritual Christians do against believers. The spirit
of the world hates the Spirit of Christ. If the Spirit of Christ rests upon
you, those of the world will pursue you to do you harm. Tribulations refer to
the unpleasant or difficult circumstances that will weigh down upon you
sometimes when you serve Christ. Jesus said to His disciples, In the world you shall have tribulation. Even though tribulations of some sort
weighed down upon the Thessalonians, they stood firm in spite of the
difficulties. The problems did not cause them to fall or to weaken. Paul had
just stated that these believers had faith and love. Evidently their faith and
love carried them through. Jesus said, In the world you shall have tribulation, but He also said, Be of good cheer. I have overcome the
Concerning the faith, love, and patience possessed by the
believers in the city of Thessalonica, the Bible says in Second Thessalonians
1:5, Which is a manifest
token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the
kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer. Verse five is a continuation of the last thing that was said at
the end of verse four which is the persecutions and tribulations that were endured by the believers in Thessalonica.
Sufferings in this world are directly associated with heaven in
many ways. For one thing, Jesus promised that those who suffer in this life
will be rewarded in the next. Jesus taught it in the Sermon on the Mount when
He said in Matthew 5:4, Blessed
are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. He also said in Matthew
Jesus Himself came into the world to suffer, and then He ascended
into glory. And Jesus said, The
servant is not greater than his Lord. The Bible says in Second Timothy 3:12, They that live godly in Christ Jesus
shall suffer persecution.
One of the reasons that those who follow Christ look forward to the Second
Coming of Christ is because only then will our sufferings be over. Once we get
to heaven, no doubt we will find that those who are in positions of highest
authority and honor will be those who suffered the most in the will of God in
this life. It is no wonder that Jesus said to those who are persecuted in
Read Second Thessalonians 1:5 one more time. It says, Which is a manifest token of the
righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the
We may suffer now, but we suffer because we follow the King: the Righteous
Judge. The day is coming when all wrongs will be righted. Those who are not
forgiven will receive the punishment that they deserve. Paul wrote of the
judgment to come against those who persecute us in Second Thessalonians 1:6-7
that says, Seeing it is a
righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed
from heaven with his mighty angels. God will bring trouble to those who cause trouble. When will
this happen? It will happen at the apocalypse. That is the word from which is
translated revealed. The day is coming when Jesus Christ
will be revealed from heaven.
That day will be a great contrast to the first coming of Christ.
Jesus will be revealed
from heaven. In contrast to
the false christs, there will be no question that it
is truly Jesus Christ the Son of God because of the manner in which He will be
revealed to all the world. This will be a spectacular, heavenly, world-wide
event. It will include the mighty
angels. It will be a
supernatural event with supernatural creatures appearing with Christ. One of
the main reasons that Christ will appear at this time and in this way is to
finally bring judgment upon those who deserve judgment, and that list is long
and growing.
God is holy. He must punish sin. God is a just judge. A just judge
cannot overlook a wrong-doing. A just judge must punish the guilty. Part of the
responsibility of being God is to judge all mankind. God loves His children. He
loves the followers of Christ. Jesus is a great shepherd who will take care of
His sheep. He will lead His sheep to green pastures to rest, and the ultimate
rest is the rest of heaven. He will punish those who have persecuted his
children. The day will come when enough will be enough. Sin will have had its
day, but its day will be over. It will be time for a righteous judgment of a
holy God, and in that day nothing will hold back His wrath against sin.
Second Thessalonians 1:8-9 speaks of the day of the coming of
Christ and the judgment that Christ will bring. In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not
God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of
the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day when good news is
preached throughout the world about Jesus Christ and His grace and forgiveness.
The message is this: Believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Those who have rejected that message have rejected God and have
become evil and dark within their souls. Souls who have rejected the gospel of
Christ have made an eternal decision to remain forever apart from God. They did
not obey the gospel when they were given the chance. What a terrible destiny
they have chosen for themselves. Do not join them. Turn to Christ while you
have time.
Copyright; 2006 by Charles
F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved