Peter wrote by the Holy Spirit in Second Peter 1:1, Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of
Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through
the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Notice that Peter states that he is a
servant before stating that he is an apostle. You have to learn to be a servant
before you can become anything else. Jesus came to serve, and we are followers
of Jesus.
Peter did not say that he was a servant of a religion, nor a
servant to some organization, nor a servant to some other human being. Peter
said that he was a servant to Jesus Christ. True Christianity is a personal
relationship between a human being and Jesus Christ. If your Christianity is
not personal between you and Jesus, then you need to question if you have true
Peter said that he was an apostle of Jesus Christ. Peter received
his commission and his authority from Jesus. That is why we study this book.
That is why we know that this book is part of the Word of God. It was written
with all of the authority of Christ Himself, because it was written by one of the
apostles. But Peter does not allow his position of authority as an apostle to
be an excuse to elevate himself above other believers. Immediately he puts
himself on equal ground with other believers. He says that he is writing to them that have obtained like precious
faith. The reason that all
Christians are equal is that we obtained salvation from Jesus Christ in the
same way. We are all sinners. None of us deserve anything from God. Jesus died
for us all.
Notice that the way that we obtained like precious faith was through the righteousness of God and our
Savior Jesus Christ. It was
not by our own righteousness. We had none. No man has. There is none that doeth good and sinneth not.
Christ is our righteousness. The reason that a true believer can stand
righteous before God is because that believer is given the righteousness of
Christ. Because we all obtain our righteousness from Christ, we are all equal.
The phrase that Peter uses, our God and our Savior Jesus Christ, is a phrase that emphasizes the deity
of Christ. No one but Jesus is mentioned in this way
in the Bible in reference to God. You must think of Jesus as your God. Thomas
bowed before Jesus and said, My
Lord and my God. The
Pharisees correctly said to Jesus, Who can forgive sins, but God only? And Peter writes here, our God and Savior
Jesus Christ. If Jesus is
truly your Savior, then He is also your God. Jesus is God. Jesus said, Before Abraham was, I am. He called Himself, the I AM, the same thing that Jehovah called Himself when He appeared to
Moses. Jesus is Jehovah. Jesus is the manifestation of the Godhead, both in His
manifestations in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament. John 1V1
says, In the beginning was
the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld
His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and
truth. Jesus is the
manifestation of God. That is why Jesus is called the Word. Jesus is the
communication of God with man. There is no such thing as knowing God without
knowing Jesus. Anyone who claims that He serves God without serving Jesus walks
in darkness because Jesus is the Light.
Peter wrote to those who had faith in the same God and Savior in
Second Peter 1:2, Grace
and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our
Lord. Interesting that in
verse one Jesus is called Savior, and now in this verse He is called Lord. In order to have grace and peace multiplied you will have to
progress from Jesus being your Savior to also having Jesus to be your Lord.
Peter writes by the Holy Spirit that we can have grace and peace multiplied through the knowledge of God and of
Jesus our Lord. The more
that I know about Jesus as the Ever-present One, the more that I will have
faith that He is with me. The more that I know about Jesus as the All-powerful
One, the more that I will have faith that He can and will strengthen me. Faith
in Jesus is what will connect me to the grace and peace that He alone can give.
More about Jesus would I
Sing that song, and
make it your prayer also.
In Second Peter 1:3, Peter expands upon the explanation of what we
have available to us because we believe in Christ. The Bible says, According as His divine power hath given
unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge
of him that hath called us to glory and virtue. Notice once again that the great things that we have for
believing in Jesus come through
the knowledge of him. Many times people have good intentions, but they do not realize
what it takes to get the power of God. It is not church attendance, or the
taking of communion, or some emotional experience, or doing more good deeds. It
is through the knowledge
of Him.
As you know more about the ever-present and all-powerful Jesus,
you will have more access to all
things that pertain unto life and godliness. The things that pertain unto life and godliness have a very
different description than most people know. Jesus said that He came so that we
could have life and have
it more abundantly. Those
who do not know Jesus as Savior and those who do not walk in fellowship with
Him are not growing in this kind of life. They have physical life, but do not
have spiritual life. If you desire this
genuine spiritual life but do not seem to find it, maybe you are looking in the
wrong place. It is found through
the knowledge of Him.
True life, the way that God meant it to be, is tied to godliness.
That is why Second Peter 1:3 speaks of the fact that He has called us to glory and virtue. Jesus wants to take you to heaven, and
so He invites you to Himself so that you can partake of His glory and end up in
heaven. But He has also called you to virtue.
Add to your faith
virtue. Be ye holy, for I am holy, saith the
Lord. Jesus wants you to
believe. Everything starts with belief. Without faith, it is impossible to please him. The just shall live by faith. We are justified by grace through faith. But the Lord does not
want our Christianity to only be made of faith. He wants us to have the kind of
faith that changes our actions.
Peter continues with this theme by telling us in Second Peter 1:4
some great things about faith. And then in most of the rest of the book of
Second Peter, we are told how true faith should affect the rest of our lives:
in our actions, our good works, our preparation for the judgment, and our
attitudes toward false teachers. The Bible says in Second Peter 1:4, Whereby are given unto us exceeding
great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine
nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. This verse is connected to the previous
verse by the word thereby. The fact that Jesus has called us to glory and virtue is connected to the exceeding great and
precious promises.
The promises of God are exceeding great.
What is greater than the promise of eternal life, or the promise of the forgiveness
of sins, or the promise of help, care and love no matter what happens? The
promises are precious promises. They are valuable. Who could
put a price on living in heaven forever? All the diamonds and all the gold and
all the jewels piled together could not buy an entrance into the
There is a direct connection between the promises that God made
and a human being becoming a child of God. God makes a promise, and when a
human being believes the promise, then and only then does the human being reap
the benefits of the promise. That is the way that salvation works. It has
always worked that way. Salvation is of God. God does the work of salvation.
Jesus died on the cross, the Spirit works in the hearts of mankind, and Jesus
regenerates with spiritual life the one who believes. It worked that way with
Abraham. God made a promise that Abraham would have a son. Abraham believed
Gods promise, and because Abraham believed, he was accounted by God as a
righteous person. Today God makes a promise that Jesus is the Savior of the
world. Those who bow at the feet of Jesus with faith in Him are the ones who
enter into the promise.
Once you enter into the promise, you gain the good things and you lose
the bad things. You gain becoming a partaker of the divine nature. You lose the corruption that is in the world
through lust. A lust is a strong desire. You lust when you
desire something outside of the bounds that God has set. You lust when your
will becomes more important than Gods will. How foolish and blinded are human
beings. They think that if they would only get what they want, then things will
be alright. Of course, that is not the case. Lust always results in corruption.
Corruption means destruction. How blessed are those who will escape the
destruction that comes against humans because of their lusts. They will escape
because God made a promise to provide a way of escape. That way is through
Christ. By the way, this Bible verse of Second Peter 1:4 is the explanation for
what is going on in the world: death and destruction. Why is there so much
death and destruction? Because of the lust of the human race. It started with
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and it has continued to this day. Believing in Christ is the only escape from
the destruction that is in the world.
Stand on His promises. Believe the promises. Trust Christ and you will
After you trust Christ, you will have some responsibilities toward
the One who died for you. Second Peter 1:5 says, And beside this, giving all diligence,
add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge. Yes, we are saved by faith and by faith alone. We
believe the promises about Christ. We believe Christ, and then we are saved
because of and by the means of the work that God has done and will do. But
Christianity does not stop with faith. Faith is the beginning of a new way and
a new life. There are things that God wants us to learn to add to our faith,
and these things are listed in verses 5, 6, and 7. It says to give all diligence to add these things to your faith.
The first thing that the Bible tells you to add to your faith is
virtue. We live in a day of ethical failure and moral depravity of every kind.
The world is too much with us; great and small. What a terrible thing that the
world has come to. In these last days there are those who call themselves
Christians and who claim to have faith, but who have not added virtue to their
daily lives. No one has truly turned to Christ, unless it was of their
intention to do the right thing. We will not please God, we will not fulfill
the will of God, and we will not be useful servants for Christ unless we are
virtuous. There must be faithfulness in marriage. Their must be truth, honesty,
respect and decency in all of the life of someone who
calls himself a Christian. God said, Be ye holy, for I am holy. Jesus said, Let
your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify
your Father who is in heaven.
Add to your faith virtue, and add to your virtue knowledge. There are people who believe in Christ, but who just do
not know what the Bible teaches on many subjects. They may know the teachings
of their church, but that does not mean that they know the teachings of the
Bible. Only by studying the Bible can you grow spiritually. Only through knowing the Bible can you know the
difference between false doctrine and true doctrine. And only in the Bible can
you find out if the things that you have heard at your church are true or not.
Why have so many supposed Christians failed to do the will of God?
They did not add virtue to their faith, and they did not add knowledge to
Copyright; 2006 by Charles
F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved