Psalms 9
Psalms 9:1-2 says, I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will
shew forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will
sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalm 9 is a Psalm about
praising God. What does it mean to praise? In the Old Testament there are many different
words which are translated praise. The word
used here in Psalms chapter 9 to mean praise
is an emphasis on the things that you say. You are not praising God unless you
are saying the right things.
In many places in the Old Testament this word praise is translated as confession. Of course,
when we hear the word confession we often think of confession of sin. But the
idea is much more than just that. To confess means to admit the truth.
Admitting the truth is not just admitting the sins you have done. But it is
also acknowledging what God does. In fact Psalms 9 verse 1 even explains itself
when it says, I will shew forth all thy marvelous
Of course, we should not just praise God, but we should do so with the whole
heart. God always looks at the heart. In other words even though the word praise here in Psalms chapter 9 is emphasizing
the things we say, it is important what is in our hearts because God looks at
the heart. How can man who is sinful praise
God with his whole heart, for even in his utmost effort he will fail because of
his own sinfulness? There is only one way to succeed in praising God with the
whole heart and that is to fulfill the commandment which Jesus said in Mark
12:30 is the greatest commandment, And
thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. If
you can fulfill this commandment, then and only then will you succeed in
praising God with all your heart.
As we read verses 1
and 2 of Psalms 9 we can learn why it is important to praise
God. Praising God results in gladness and rejoicing. Jesus said the very hairs
of our head are numbered (Luke 12:7). The apostle Paul said in him we live and breathe and have our being.
God is everywhere, even the most desolate places of the earth where the wind
blows and no living man stands there to feel it. But God is there doing his
mysterious work to the good pleasure of His will. There is so much to praise God for. Perhaps it is impossible for us
as men to ever succeed in praising God with all our hearts all the time: at
least until we get to heaven. But knowing the infinite amount of things there
are to praise God for, if a man succeeded in only praising Him each day for 1
thing with all his heart, how much that would accomplish in this world and how
much gladness and rejoicing would that man find in measure purer and sweeter
than most men ever know.
God created
speech. So listen to those in the world
around you and listen to the things you yourself say. How often do you hear God
praised in the words that men say? There is much darkness and sorrow in the
world and it is no wonder that so few among men ever praise
God with their whole heart.
The praise here in Psalms 9 verse 1 is also
translated in the Old Testament to mean the casting of a stone. Of course, many
people are familiar with the words of Jesus when he said to those whom would have
slain the woman taken in adultery, Let him that is
without sin cast the first stone. We know that a stone when cast, even
the smallest pebble cast into water, sends out ripples which will cover all the
surface thereof. If only more men and women would cast the stones of praise
upon the waters of the world and upon the sea of men, the unfathomable effect
such praise to God will have in the hearts of men so that they might give their
confession to Jesus can only be measured at the great White throne of Judgment.
King David said he would praise God. And in Psalms chapter 9 he lists for us
things for which to praise God. What are some examples of things we should
praise God for? If we said to God, For what things should I praise you? God
has answered that question and listed for us some of those things in the rest
of Psalms 9. Psalms 9:3-6 says, When mine enemies
are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence. For thou hast
maintained my right and my cause; thou satest in the throne judging right. Thou
hast rebuked the heathen, thou hast destroyed the wicked, thou hast put out
their name for ever and ever. O thou enemy, destructions are come to a
perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with
The first thing that David gave God praise for is
the certainty of judgment upon his enemies. David faced a lot of dangers and enemies in his life time. In his experiences with
God this would no doubt be one of the forefront things on his mind. Even before
David was king, when he was a simple shepherd boy, the leader of Davids
country sought to slay David. What if
the leader of your country came after you to kill you? Could you do as David
and praise God?
The word enemy
means an adversary. The word enemy carries with it the idea of strong
opposition. We often think of such strong opposition as motivated by extreme
and unreasonable anger, hatred, and an opposition unto the point of complete
destruction of something.
King Davids life may be an extreme example but we
all have enemies. Even though it seems sometimes that our fellow man is our
enemy because of strong opposition and hatred, the true enemy is the force of
evil in this world whose hatred toward the truth and hell-bound opposition
towards the will of God influences men to do the evil they do.
One of the hardest
things to do in life is perhaps what Jesus said, Love
your enemies. Certainly it will be much more easy to love your enemies
if you remember and if you praise God for verses 3-6 of Psalms chapter 9. Then
perhaps instead of hating your enemies you will pray for them that they might
repent and turn to Jesus and escape the certain destiny that awaits all those
who oppose Christ and reject Him.
The Bible says in
Psalms 34:19, Many
are the afflictions of the righteous but the LORD delivereth him out of them
all. Deliverance from our enemies may not
always come in the physical sense, but you can be sure spiritually there is
always victory in Jesus. The final physical deliverance will come after the
great tribulation when Christ returns. Christ has not returned yet. Even so, be
thankful, praise God, and shew forth His marvelous works. The end of all opposition to the truth and to
the will of God is coming.
the reason this is the first thing listed in Psalms 9 as something to praise God for is
because in the world there is indeed such a vast opposition to the truth and to
the will of God both in the hearts of men and from the forces of evil. The
message is this: the end of all opposition to the truth and Jesus is coming,
even the enemy of our own sinful self. Psalms 5-6 says, Thou hast put out their name for ever and ever. O thou enemy,
destructions are come to a perpetual end.
people take the words of God and distort their meaning. The message that God
will eliminate your enemies if you trust in him should not be compared to the
false teachings of other religions. Notice that verse 3 says they will turn
back and shall fall and perish at Gods presence. Self defense is good.
Fighting for freedom is good. But those who trust in Jesus do not need to plot
and manipulate and seek revenge and use violence the way the world and the
governments of the world do, thinking that is the way to eliminate ones
enemies. God is going to do it. It is a good message. It is not a message of hate to say the words of Psalms 9, but it
is the justice of God in action.
9:7-8 says, But the LORD shall endure for ever:
He hath prepared his throne for judgment. And he shall judge the world in
righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness.
The enemies of righteousness and of God will not last, neither sin nor
destruction. The world itself will not last. But Jesus is the Alpha and the
Omega. He will endure forever. And His righteous judgment upon the world will
endure forever. This is a marvelous work of God which we can praise Him for. Of
course judgment has already come. Judgment was made on the cross of
Psalms 9:9-12 says, The LORD also will be a
refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy
name will put their trust in thee. For thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that
seek thee. Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in
If God is
your refuge, then that means you trust in Him. What is one of the key factors
which often results in a person trusting in God or not? Sometimes such
decisions in the heart of weak and sinful man are made one way or the other
based on whether or not that person knows God. Psalms 9 says, They that know thy name will put their trust in thee.
Why dont
more people praise God? Why dont more people find refuge in Him? Those that
know his name do. A name is like a banner or an emblem which gathers all about something and represents it. When you
buy a product at the store you have the name brand and the off brand. When you
hear the name Adolf Hitler, what does it mean to you? When you hear the name
Abraham Lincoln, what does it mean to you? When you hear the name Jesus Christ
what does it mean to you?
It is no
wonder the Bible says in Psalms 138:2,
thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
How can you know the name of God unless you know His Word? And how can you
praise God or trust in Him unless you know His name? Did you know that Jesus is
a refuge to the oppressed? Did you know that Jesus has not forsaken them that seek
These are
things you can praise God for: Jesus will destroy the enemy. Jesus will endure
forever. God is forever: therefore, so too is His Word and His promises, so too
is His judgment and the good which comes from them. Jesus will be a refuge for
the oppressed, and Jesus will not forsake those that seek Him. This phrase from
Psalms 9 certainly reveals to us how wonderful is the love of God indeed. You
might forsake God 999 times out of a thousand but that one time that you turn
to Him He will not forsake you.
9:13-14 says, Have mercy upon me, O LORD;
consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me
up from the gates of death: That I may shew forth all the praise in the gates
of the daughter of
Of course, Gods mercy does not just apply to
spiritual things it also can apply to the physical things of this life.
Sometimes when you have enemies and sometimes when those that hate you and seek
to oppose and destroy your life have brought you to the gates of death all you
need to do is to turn to God and ask Him for mercy.
Life has trouble. There is sickness, disease, and death. And then there is the
trouble that men cause other men because of their hatreds.
In Psalms 9 verse 13 David asked God to,
consider my trouble... The word consider is used many places in the Old Testament
and it is elsewhere translated as: saw, appear, and looked. Consider
these verses: Genesis 1:4, And God saw the
light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:9, And
God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place,
and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And Genesis 6:12, And God looked
upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way
upon the earth. A thought can be a powerful thing. The mind is a
powerful thing. God made it this way. Man has often imagined what he could do
with just the power of thought. God can. Gods
thoughts are like this. With just a thought things happen.
All God has to do is consider. God considers,
and the world comes into being. God considers, and the world is judged for sin.
Imagine what can happen in your life if the Almighty God of the universe was to
have mercy upon you and to consider your trouble. It is no wonder that in this
Psalm of praise such a thing is listed as something
to praise God for.
The hands of God are not idle, neither is the
mind of God. There is nowhere in this world where the marvelous works of God
are not being brought to pass. What things should we praise God for when there
is so much to praise Him for? God will defeat our enemies. God will bring righteous judgment. God is a
refuge. God does not forsake those that seek Him. God has mercy. And God will
It may be that the worst torment of hell is not
the pain of unquenchable fire, neither the gnawing of a guilty conscience, but it may be that God does not consider those anymore. Such men are damned to exist for eternity and never
again will God think about them. There is nothing
more wonderful than to have Jesus
consider you in His thoughts. Seek Him, turn to Him, and He will turn to
Copyright; 2011 by Charles
F. (Rick) Creech
All Rights Reserved