Psalms 94:13, “That thou
mayest give him rest from the days of adversity,
until the pit be digged for the wicked.” The
previous verse in Psalms mentioned being taught by God out of the law. There are
many benefits to doing what is right one of them is, “rest
from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged
for the wicked.”
Rest is a wonderful thing to have. Wicked people often fight and argue
with one another. Wicked people often live their lives bitter against other
people when they feel wronged or do not get what they want. Wicked people often
worry about all the lies they have told and sins they have done and whether or
not they past will come to haunt them. Wicked people are always at war with God
and His truth. There is no rest for the wicked.
But those who obtain the righteousness of the law
by trusting in Jesus Christ find great rest because all their sins are
forgiven. They also find rest through the Word of God because there is great
wisdom in God’s Word. There is great practical wisdom on how to live life and
to treat other human beings properly in any given situation which itself
results great quietness in your life where there would be conflict. How happy
indeed are those who follow after God’s standard of righteousness instead of
their own.
Psalms 94:14-15, “For
the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he
forsake his inheritance.”
This verse is teaching something very important.
When it says cast off and forsake it is saying the same thing. Both are ways of
emphasizing the faithfulness of God in keeping His promises. Because salvation
is based on the grace of God and not on our own righteous works one saved
always saved.
There are many good verses in the Bible both in
the Old Testament and in the New Testament which teach the eternal security of
the believer.
Jesus said in John
To say that a person can lose their salvation is
to say that salvation is based on your works. Salvation is not based on what
you have done or will do but it is based on what Jesus has done for you. Once
you come to Jesus you are part of God’s inheritance, you are one of God’s
beloved children.
Even if a person decided they didn’t want to be
saved anymore, even if a person decided to run away from got
and commit all the horrible sins that they could God still would not cast you
off or forsake you. He would not forsake you because Jesus died for you.
A person cannot give up their own salvation. That
itself would mean that salvation is based on your
works and it is not. A person cannot lose their salvation by sinning, no matter
how terrible the sin.
How important it is to understand the difference
between law and grace. The law says do this and do it perfectly without
failure. But grace says this is righteousness given freely through Christ.
There are many false teachings when it comes to
the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the worst ones has to do with works
salvation. Works salvation comes in many forms. Some people say yes you must
believe in Jesus but you must also keep the law. Some people say yes salvation
is of grace but you can give up your own salvation. Some people say you must be
baptized with water to be saved. But all
these teachings are wrong.
If you can lose your salvation or give up your
salvation then salvation is not of grace but it is of works.
Some of the great verses that make it clear that
salvation is not of works but of grace are found in Titus 3:5-7, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but
according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and
renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ
our Saviour; That being justified by his grace, we
should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
These verses begin by saying not by works of
righteousness. The reason it is not by works of righteousness is because a
person would have to never sin in their life. Once you have sinned just one
time then you have failed to keep the law and failed to obtain righteousness
through the law. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The only
person who has never sinned and who has perfectly kept all of the law is Jesus.
Everyone else is a sinner. Therefore not by works of
The sooner you realize that you can never lose
your salvation, the sooner you understand that it truly is grace through faith
and not by works of righteousness the better off you will be.
So much stronger will your faith in God once you
understand that He will never cast you off or forsake. How much greater will be
your confidence and your ability to serve God. And how much
more you will come to appreciate the depth of God’s love and the eternal power
of His forgiveness.
There is great peace, comfort, and confidence in
eternal security. Eternal security does not cause a person to go out and sin or
to say shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? But a person who truly understands
eternal security is a person who realizes just how great is God’s love for them
and just how great is the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
The love of Jesus is so great, the forgiveness of
Jesus so vast that we who understand that God will never cast us off or forsake
us, we do not want to sin. We do everything in our power to try not to sin.
Psalms 94:15, “But
judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the
upright in heart shall follow it.”
The judgment of God always results in
righteousness. And the result of that is that a person who wants to do what is
right will accept the judgment of God as good and righteous.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross God
judged Him for our sins. Everyone who believes in Jesus, as a result of that judgment,
receives the righteousness of God.
Psalms 94:15, “But
judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the
upright in heart shall follow it.”
This verse explains some very important things
for us. It tells us one of the reasons God judges and it also tells us
ultimately why a person chooses or does not choose to follow Christ.
But judgment shall return unto righteousness. God is
holy. God loves righteousness. God is in the business of making righting every
wrong. This is why Jesus died for the sins of the world. And this is why those
who reject Jesus are choosing to go to hell where they will suffer the judgment
of God. Everyone must face the judgment of God either at the cross of
These last several verses of Psalms 94 are
teaching some great truths about salvation. They mention the rest we have in
Christ, the eternal security we have in Christ, once saved always saved, and
they explain how powerful the righteousness of Christ is.
How important it is to be saved from your sins.
There is nothing more important than your eternal destiny. But once you are
saved how important it is to learn everything you can about the gospel of Jesus
Christ and about your own salvation.
That is why studying the Bible and preaching
Bible verse by verse, book by book can be so beneficial. There is so much to
learn about God, about following God, and especially about the gospel itself in
every book of the Bible. How many people have ever even heard this verse in the
Bible preached? Psalms 94:15, “But judgment shall
return unto righteousness: and all the upright in
heart shall follow it.”
This is a very important gospel verse. Knowing
the gospel and knowing it well means knowing and understanding the difference
between law and grace. It means knowing just how deep the love of God is. It
means fully realizing the power and the extent of God’s forgiveness. Knowing
the gospel means understand what God has done for us in the past on the Cross,
What God is doing for us now through the Holy Spirit, and what God is going to
do in the future in heaven when He fulfills His promises to us.
But judgment shall return unto
righteousness. The judgment
of God results in righteousness.
94:16, “Who will rise up for me against the
evildoers? or who will stand up for me against
the workers of iniquity?”
One of the God ordained purposes of government is
to punish evil doers. The stronger a governments laws are against sin and the
more fair a governments judges are against evil doers the better that society
will be. But governments do not always punish evil doers. For example, though just
about every government in the world will have some sort of law against murder.
They may not have a law against murdering unborn children. Though just about
every government in the world will have some sort of law against stealing, do
they have laws against lying or slandering or cursing, or verbally abusing
someone? Yes God loves freedom. We have the freedom to choose right or wrong.
We have the freedom to choose but we do not have the right to do what is wrong.
You can choose to kill someone or not but you do not have the right to do so.
You can choose to lie, to slander and to abuse someone verbally, to try and
murder them with your words and you can call that free speed but you do not
have the right to do that.
Actually most governments in the world that make
laws concerning speech or free speech make laws actually opposing free speech
and primarily opposing people form speaking the truth about Jesus Christ. God has laws against lying, against,
slandering, against attempting to murder someone with your words. Shouldn’t man
have laws against it. Speech is just one example.
There are many other examples of laws that should and should be made
But talking about free speech the
The government may not have laws against it but
God does have laws against lying, slandering, distorting the truth, hiding the
truth, telling fables, murdering people with your words, trying to promote
hatred and violence and rebellion through your words. These are all terrible
sins. And God will judge people for them.
You see in
If you take a living baby and put it in sack or a
bag or a container it will still be a living human. That is what the womb is a
container to keep the baby safe until that baby is physically developed enough
to be in the world.
You see in
There have been many many
cases in
Yes even here in America where supposedly there
is freedom of speech and freedom of religion, the wicked can do wickedly,
promoting the murder of babies, promoting sexual abominations, promoting all
kinds of lies against freedom and against a persons
character, and the righteous can go to jail and to the mental ward for publicly
disturbing the peace and for disorderly conduct and other various criminal acts
Most countries have very bad laws when it comes
to right and wrong concerning the use of the tongue.
You see don’t look to government for justice or
for redemption or for being the one that will rise up against the evil doers
for you. It is God that will rise up. He will rise up for those that trust in
Psalms 94:17, “Unless
the LORD had been m help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.” What
does it mean to dwell in silence? When we think of silence we think of a lack
of sound, a lack of noise, a person not speaking. Now if we are talking about
what we were just talking about with people abusing their freedom of speech,
their God given power of the tongue then silence is a good thing isn’t it?
But in
this verse it is not saying that silence is good. To understand the meaning of
the word that is here translated silence lets look at
another verse where it is used. Psalms 115:17, “The
dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence.”
Silence here is referring to death. To dwell in
silence means to be dead. A person who is dead does nothing. They do not eat,
they do not work, and they certainly do not speak or make noise.
If we think more about these two verses that
describe death as being in silence and if we consider the phrase give in the
one verse, “The dead praise not the LORD,” then
we will realize one of the reasons that God gave us the power of speech so that
we will praise God. To praise God means to say things that are true about God.
It means to give Him glory to give Him credit for the wonderful things that He
Yes human beings are right to want free speech, another way of saying it is to say there is a
certain individual power in the tongue. That is a God given right. But the
purpose of that power is not suppose to be to lie or
to slander other people or to try to murder and destroy their reputation and
murder and destroy other peoples opinions and
impressions of that person. The purpose of free speech is to praise God.
There are many people in the world when they
speak of Jesus they only use His name as a curse word. Or when they talk the
works of God they only accuse Him of being unjust in His judgments against sin.
By doing this they are in effect lying. They are in affect trying to murder
God’s reputation with their tongue. You can tell what goes on in a person’s
heart towards Jesus very easily just by how they use His name.
There many people who use the power of the tongue
to oppose moral ideas and conservative ideas and even Christian principles.
What they do is they use the same methods and
philosophies that Adolf Hitler and the communists use. 1. Adolf Hitler said if
you tell a lie and you tell it often enough people will believe you. 2. The one
of the Philosophies of communists for the purpose of gaining power and control
is to divide people by race.
So this is what happens in the
But the point is God wants us to use our tongue
to say things that are true to say things that are good especially about Him.
You will accomplish a lot more in life if you spend your time and your energy
and your mental power trying to figure out how to influence people to think
about God and His wonderful promises and the many great and gracious things He
has done. Things such as giving us the eternal love of Jesus
and forgiveness of sins through His blood. These kinds of things will
change peoples lives. And
redeem them from their terrible circumstances in lives. And set them on a path
to seeking wisdom and truth and to living a productive life. To lie, and slander, and falsely accuse and
to try and murder someone’s reputation will not build up a society or a nation
or make it greater but it will tear it down and it will promote violence among
And this is exactly what we see happening today
more and more in our society. It has gotten so bad that those who are very
liberal and very opposed to Christianity and yes the liberals hate Christianity
because Christianity is the basis for conservatism, but it has gotten so bad
that many people abuse the power of their tongue also appose
the frees speech of those they are in opposition too. They are not for freedom
in other words. They lie and deceive
people into thinking that disagreeing with them is opposing their free speech.
To disagree with someone is not an opposition to someone free
speech. But to lie about someone, to
slander someone, to murder someone’s reputation is an attempt to oppose someone
free speech.
Another example has to do with morality. When a
person talks about the preciousness of human life or to be more specific the
fact that an unborn baby is a living person they lie and say that you are
opposed to women’s rights. People do not have the right to murder an other being.
Another example of their lies is when it comes to
sexuality. God created sex for marriage between a man and a woman. Anything
other than that is immoral and results in great harm to a person mentally,
emotionally, and even physically from sexual diseases. But people are being
brainwashed in our society into thinking that a person who is for sexual
morality is somehow prejudice against those who are sexually immoral.
I looked up the word prejudice in the dictionary
and the definition I got was this, “an opinion formed, especially an irrational
one, without sufficient knowledge.”
Now any one who knows
anything about sex knows that if a man and a woman only have sex with each
other in marriage they will face the danger of sexual diseases or the many
other dangers and destructive arms that come from having sex out of marriage.
That right there is knowledge. Not prejudice.
The real truth is these people are prejudice
against the truth. They don’t know the truth. They don’t even understand all
the possible negative consequences of their actions and they are taught that
believing the truth and teaching the truth is a form of prejudice. When people
like this get in power they use their power to take away free speech and
freedom if religion in anyway
that they can.
Oh how evil are those that misuse the power of
the tongue and that fail to spend their time praising God for giving us life
and for giving us forgiveness of our sins through the Lord Jesus Christ. Those
who use the power of the tongue to praise God will always accomplish much
greater things in the lives of people than those who do not. They will
accomplish things that will last forever. If you have never turned from your
sins to Jesus then you can do so today.
Copyright; 2017 by Bruce
All Rights Reserved