Psalms 119:90-91, “Psa 119:90 Thy
faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth,
and it abideth. Psa 119:91
They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are
thy servants.
In the previous verse of Psalms 119 verse 89 the
preservation of God’s Word was discussed. Now the Faithfulness of God is
mentioned. There are many things that
show the faithfulness of God. One of them is the preservation of God’s Word.
But in these verses something else is mentioned: God’s creation.
Now in looking at God’s creation there is
something to notice its called ordinances. These ordinances are called the laws
of nature. A great example would be the
earth in its orbit. How does the earth stay in orbit around the sun at just the
right distance for life on this earth? What are the odds of that happened when
we can find no other planet in the universe with life on it? It shows the
faithfulness of God. You can study all of creation and it will show you the
faithfulness of God. The rising and setting of the sun today, the beginning and
the end of a new day, is a reminder of the faithfulness of God. Rain or
sunshine, cold or heat, spring or summer, planting or harvest, it is all the
faithfulness of God.
It is interesting to notice it refers to these
ordinances of nature as God’s servants. They are God’s servants because they do
exactly what God created them to do. And if as a person you do what God created
you to do and fulfill that purpose then you too are being God’s servant.
To be a servant of God is a great honour, a great
privilege, a great opportunity. Jesus gives the greatest example of being a
servant and it says of Him in Philippians 2:5-8, “Php
2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was
also in Christ Jesus: Php 2:6 Who, being
in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took
upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: Php
2:8 And being found in fashion as a man,
he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the
This is what is means to be a
servant. You do what God wants no matter what it is. It will involve
humbling yourself. It will involve being obedient, and it will involved picking up your cross just as Jesus picked up His
Cross. If you want to serve God then find your cross and bare it faithfully all
the days of your life.
Paul also had something to say about being a
servant, “Rom_1:1 Paul, a servant
of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of
Paul connected the idea of serving Jesus to the
gospel of Jesus Christ. How much you are serving God will directly on whether
or not you are using you opportunities to spread the gospel in the world. You
don’t have to be an apostle or a gospel preacher or a missionary to spread the
gospel. Simply find a way to be a witness to your neighbors and to those that
you work around and to all the strangers that you come across in life as you go
through society. There will be plenty of opportunities unless you’re a hermit
who lives in the woods.
Serving Jesus has everything to do with the
gospel because God’s great work in this world is the saving of lost souls from
sin. You want to serve Jesus then find a way to spread the gospel. Maybe the
next time you give 5 dollars to a homeless person also tell them about how
Jesus died for their sins. Get a hat or a shirt that says Jesus or that has a
bible verse on it and wear it everywhere you go so that people can see it and
read it. The opportunities, especially in free societies like the
Mostly remember that being a servant and being a
testimony to the gospel means loving other people and putting other people
before yourself. It means don’t see other people as
your competition or your opposition but see them as your opportunities to
minister to their needs and to show them compassion and respect so that they
can see the love of Christ.
Psalms 119:92-95 says, “Psa
119:92 Unless
thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine
affliction. Psa 119:93
I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened
me. Psa 119:94 I
am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts. Psa 119:95 The wicked
have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.”
These verses are talking about something very
important: staying in God’s Word. As you go through life there are many things
that could possibly take you out of God Words. One of those things is just the
business of life, the regularly day to day things of life. But these verses
specifically mention 2
certain things: affliction and persecution.
Now you would think that when a person suffers
that they would be more likely to see their need for Jesus and their need for
His Word but even if suffering doesn’t make you bitter towards God there’s. It
changes your life to where it’s harder to do things. You may not feel like
studying God’s Word. You may be spending so much time at the hospital or maybe
you will be in so much pain that to even lay in a bed and read the Bible is hard to
Sometimes you just have to make yourself do
things even when you don’t feel like it or when you’re not in the state of mind
that you would like to be in. Serving God is like that something’s. You feel
like your walking through a desert with no joy,
no peace, God may even seem far away, the darts of the wicked may be
assailing you on all sides, and to take time to read and study the bible and
pray may feel like chore or dry and joyless activity.
You see what happens in life is that there will
always be something there to try and take you away from time in God’s Word:
Some circumstance in your life, some event, some necessary activity
, some tragedy, some persecution. It will always be a challenge in some
way to stay faithful and consistent in the word of God day by day. But for
those who do God is going to reward them. God rewards faithfulness. God will
reward you with knowledge of the truth. God will reward you with a growing
peace and confidence in Him. And God will also reward you by giving you greater
opportunities to serve Him. The more you know about the Bible the better you
can serve God. God’s Word is very important to God. And there are not many in
the World that know it and understand it. If you can become a person that
really knows and understands God Word and lives it consistently you will become
very important to God like Moses was or John the Baptist, or Elijah, or Enoch,
or the apostles.
Think about it this way Yes Jesus loves everyone.
Jesus wants all men to be saved. Jesus gives all men opportunity. Jesus is not
a respecter of persons. But at the same time God has a work He’s doing in the
world. He’s very wise and organized in the way that He does it. He is going to
look out across the world and those Christians who are most faithful to Him,
who have wisdom and knowledge of the Word, who have the love for Him and for
serving Him that they should, and who are willing to do whatever God wants, why
a Christian like that is much more usable to God than a half hearted Christian
who only occasionally studies God Word, who knows and understands very little about
the bible. It is just practical and it makes sense.
If you had an organization wouldn’t you pick the
best educated, the strongest motivated, the most dedicated individuals for the
most important tasks. God does that too. Don’t you want to be the apple of God eye’s. Don’t you want to be the one Christian in the world
that God looks at and chooses above all others to use for the gospel?
Remember this life is a spiritual race so in a
sense it’s a competition. It’s a friendly competition. But you are in competition
with other Christians. It’s the kind of competition where a person gives their
all to Christ and hopes that in doing so it will make others give their all to
Christ. It’s not the kind of competition where you hope that others fail so you
might succeed but where you hope that other succeed or that your spiritual
success results in other succeeding.
Paul said in 1 Corinthians
Paul said it was a race and a competition. You
need to be able to look at the future and to realize what lays ahead not in the
sense of this human life but it sense that one day your going to stand before
God and He’s going to reward you for your service to Him. Eternity is a long
time. What you do in this short life a few human years is going to determine a
great day about what you will be doing with your existence in eternity. There
are great rewards to earn in heaven and we have a vague idea of what those
rewards are, but they are great rewards greater than you can imagine.
Serving God often isn’t the way we think it is.
God thinks very differently than we do. If God has something for you to do no
matter how insignificant it might seem to you, odds are its very important to
Lets read those verses again.
Psalms 119:92-95 says, “Psa 119:92 Unless thy law had been my
delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction. Psa 119:93 I will never
forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me. Psa 119:94 I am
thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts. Psa 119:95 The wicked have waited for me to
destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.”
All these reasons mentioned are reasons to stay
faithful in God’s Word. It takes a life time to learn God’s Word. It really
does. So if you want to learn it properly then you need to study it
consistently. One of the great benefits is this: knowing that God is preparing
you for the future. God uses a prepared person of for a prepared place. It’s
just like Jesus God prepared a body for Him. Or it’s just like the apostles.
Jesus trained them and prepared them to do a great work for him. Sure there are
things God wants you to do today, especially stay faithful in His Word
regardless of whatever happens in your life.
There are great things in the future waiting for
you if you stay faithful in the Word of God. Think about Moses, He was 80 years
old when He began to lead the children of
Psalms 119:96, “Psa 119:96 I have seen an
end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.”
This is a very interesting verse. At first glance
it might seem hard to understand. But its talking
about the human life, the human experience, they way the world works when it
says, “I have seen an end of all perfection.” In other words you can reach a
point in life where in a sense you have, “experienced it all.
Think about King David’s life. He experienced it
all. He was a lowly shepherd boy. He went to war and slew giants. He lived in
caves and Hid from kings. He became a King himself. He even had great mistakes
which he made. But in all the things He experienced about life he had this to
say in conclusion, “but thy commandment is exceeding broad.” In other words
he’s talking about the great liberty and freedom there is to be found in Jesus
had His word.
We live in a very interesting society today. Some
people really focus on experiencing life, living life to the fullest, traveling
around the world, tasting other cultures and cuisines, back packing through
Europe, trying out different sports, meeting famous and powerful people and
poor people and studying what their lives are like, going on cruises, going
shopping, going on vacations, visiting Disney world or some other tourist
destination. Some people are very focused on trying to live life to the fullest
so to speak in terms of the human experience. And God does what us to enjoy our
lives and life it to the fullest. But at the same time that is not really where
the great measures of freedom and liberty are found. The greatest measures of
liberty and freedom are found in the Word of God.
You see you can take a person who’s life is full
of fantastic and great human experiences but it you compare it with a person
who lives a simple and mundane human life like a hermit who never travels
anywhere, never does anything exciting, never goes out to eat, never meets
interesting people, and yet that person is in the Word of God and goes their
life day by day think about and mediation on the word of God and applying it to
everything that they do. Guess which person is really experience the fullness
of life and its freedoms and the real human experience the way its meant to be experienced?
The point is this you can see an end of all
perfection but if you really want to taste the freedom and the fullness of life
you have to come to the Word of God for that. Once it takes root in your heart
and in your mind then the doorway to freedom becomes wide open and you are able
to truly experience life the way it was meant to be.
Because the fullness of life isn’t really
determined by your circumstances or how exciting and exotic of a life you have
but its determined by how much the word of God is what is used to filter your
circumstances in life and your experiences.
When you look through the lense of truth, when
you walk through life with a thankful heart to Christ, when you do even the
smallest thing in servitude to Jesus knowing how important it really is, having
the mind’s eye cast with a vision on eternity then life takes on a whole knew
meaning and you being to understand what freedom and experiencing life is
really about.
Why no matter what happens to you in life,
whether you become a bed ridden invalid or a prisoner in a communist country
you will always have freedom, the freedom to live by faith in Jesus Christ, the
freedom to do what is right, the freedom to serve Jesus, because these things
can be done in any circumstance, under any condition, despite any degree of
opposition. There is no freedom in the world like that kind of freedom.
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your savior I
hope and pray you will turn to Him today. He died for your sins and He rose
from the grave. Jesus wants to give you eternal freedom and fullness of life
more abundantly.
Copyright; 2017 by Bruce
All Rights Reserved